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The homie Adam Aziz from Broken Cool is guestbloggin’ this week at the Double R. Welcome to the team, my dude. He brings us the following: 

This is recent footage of Canibus performing in the MIA. And while it does look like it’s a sell-out crowd of maybe 40-50 people, everyone in attendance appears to be enjoying themselves…even the requisite white girl on side stage hoping for a “Second Round K.O.” after the show.

For y’all info: Adam Aziz is a former bigtime editor at and Peep his blog Broken Cool. And follow the God on Twitter.

Don King: Made In America
“I be with Don King, if you a fighter, good/Fuck Tiger Woods, it’s tigers in the hood”
Boxing promoter, Don King chopped it up with DJ Whoo Kid and his fancy smancy Radio Planet cameras on Shade 45 to promote his new video game, Don King Boxing.
We had Rick Ross on one of our programs. If he was Spanish, he would be gordo. And if he was White, he’d be obese. And he’s black, so he’s fat!”
And if he was Asian, he’d be sumo!

Eminem’s NCAA Final 4 PSA
{mp4-flvremote width=”540″ height=”350″}{/mp4-flvremote}
Eminem cut this for CBS to celebrate his hometown. Guess who he’s rootin’ for in the finals? Ha!