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Jay-Z On Nets Win & Hurricane Sandy

The Brooklyn Nets won their season opener against the Toronto Raptors yesterday at the Barclays Center. Following the game, Nets owner Jay-Z,spoke on the victory and devastation of Hurricane Sandy. Reflecting on the first game in Brooklyn and thinking about the hurricane.  Thinking about being undefeated and all the losses/wins that lie ahead. Life will always throw adversity and tragedy at us. We remain resilient! Heartfelt prayers go out to those who lost their lives and to the families who […]

50 Cent vs. Floyd Mayweather

[tweet] Money is the root of all evil stunts. Days after Fif announced his departure from The Money Team, he and former friend Floyd Mayweather, have traded jabs via Twitter. 50 lands the first blow. I’m gonna make BIG FLOYD rich. Floyd stop spending your money on hoe’s man they don’t love you fool.SMSaudio. MONEY Floyd you know I have more MONEY then you.Al Haymen got you on a Allowance, you go broke every fight stupid. SMSaudio. GAMBOA IS MAD FLOYD. He […]