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Eminem Covers VIBE

It’s crazy when you think about it, but it’s been 10 years since the release of Eminem’s semi-biopic 8 Mile. And to celebrate its anniversary, Eminem returns to the cover of VIBE. Peruse the entire feature here. How were the battle scenes written? Eminem: I think Curtis had a lot of the guys write their own things, and then I would see what they were going to say. I might sit there with some of the guys and be like, “What if you changed this?” The […]

Gunplay Heading To Prison For Warrant

[ appKey=MarbachViewerEmbedded&uri=channels/449330/1700113&tbid=325626&p=5296&height=325&width=540] An outstanding warrant was issued for Gunplay’s arrest stemming from an armed robbery and assault charge. No word as to how much time he’s facing, but he’s supposed to turn himself in today. On a related note, The Breakfast Club debuted his new song, “Rap Sheet”. Oh, the irony.