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L.E.P. Bogus Boys Join Drake’s Tour

Photo: derricknthecity If you didn’t think Drizzy’s Club Paradise was big enough, well it just got bigger. The L.E.P. Bogus Boys announced on their Facebook page that they will join Drake’s tour. No exact dates yet on which dates they will be performing, but we should find out soon enough. hhdx

Behind The Scenes: Nas “Daughters”

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.1018870&w=540&h=350&fv=%26backcolor%3D0x111111%26bandwidth%3D6400%26file%3Dmp4%253ANAS_BTS_final.mp4%26frontcolor%3D0xcccccc%26gapro.accountid%3DUA-30251-57%26gapro.height%3D361%26gapro.pluginmode%3DFLASH%26gapro.trackpercenta] Nasir showed us on his recent track, that he strives to be one of the world’s greatest dads. Complex takes us to the L.A. set where he recently shot the Chis Robinson-directed flick with his daughter.

Trouble 431 Days Breakdown

[vodpod id=Video.16474487&w=540&h=350&fv=] Trouble rounded up his band of brothers and gave MTV a breakdown of his latest mixtape, 431 Days. Compared to his previous efforts, Trouble stepped it up this go around. If you haven’t done so, download it here. “ATL” (featuring Alley Boy). “We basically just tellin’ these folks what it is for real on ‘ATL.’ Where I came from as a jit all the way up to this point.” “U Don’t Deserve Dat.” “I’m basically just tellin’ like […]

Michael K. Williams On Portraying ODB

[vodpod id=Video.16474400&w=540&h=350&fv=p%3D5296%26c%3D449330%26s%3D1659457%26tbid%3D250965%26allowFullScreen%3Dtrue%26] Actor Michael K. Williams appeared this morning on Power 105.1 with The Breakfast Club. He spoke on his upcoming portrayal of ODB and forthcoming flick Snow On The Bluff.

Jay-Z On Nets Logo Redesign

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.1018849&w=540&h=350&fv=] Hov kept it plain and simple—but sharp with the Brooklyn Nets logo. During his chat with MTV, the franchise’s co-owner said vintage NY subway signs were his muse. “I wanted to make it really classic and strong; a throwback to Brooklyn and what we’re about. It’s real gritty and we’re not about flash — well, sometimes. Just the roots of Brooklyn as this very bold, strong, simple logo. It was really a take off the old subway signs, if […]