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Nicki Minaj On Her Grammy Nomination

[vodpod id=Video.16033944&w=540&h=350&fv=playerid%3D61371447001%26amp%3Bvideoid%3D1428053342001%26amp%3Bstillurl%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fpdl%252Estream%252Eaol%252Ecom%252Fpdlext%252Faol%252Fbrightcove%252Fus%252Fmusic%252Fmusicvideos%252Fumg%255Fmotown%252Fnickiminaj%252Fnickiminaj%255Fbestnewartistgrammys%255Fvideo%255Fstill%255F480%252Ejpg%26amp%3Bpublisherid%3D1612833736%26amp%3Bcodever%3D1] With The Grammys about two weeks away, Nicki Minaj speaks on her first Grammy appearance and her thoughts on being nominated this year.

Rick Ross On Maybach’s Discontinuance

[vodpod id=Video.16033249&w=540&h=350&fv=] This past November, Mercedes announced the discontinuance of their luxury Maybach line next year. As we all know, Rick Ross’ record label is inspired by the brand. Conversing with MTV, Ross says the name is deeper than rap. “When we say Maybach Music, it’s not about the car, it’s just about the level of quality and the time that we put into the sound and that was just a way to express it where people could really understand […]