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?uestlove Pays Homage To Don Cornelius

Since Don Cornelius’ passing this morning, loads of rappers have expressed their condolences via Twitter and Facebook. But no other figure in hip-hop has a more personal connection than ?uestlove. On OKP, Mr. Thompson paid homage to Soul Train‘s conductor. Don Cornelius was my first non musical non celeb non blood related hero. its amazing timing that my arrival on earth and his greatest creative manifestation came within 9 months of each other. both symbolizing a new hope for urban […]

Don Cornelius Commits Suicide

Wow. According to TMZ, Soul Train creator Don Cornelius, was found dead in his home from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. He was 75. Launched in 1971, Soul Train‘s impact on music is ineffable. During its run, the program featured nearly every hip-hop performer of the 80s and 90s. Rest in love, peace, and soul, Don C.