Even during the holidays, Shad keeps the cameras rolling. For his latest viral, his favorite hue is Bow Wow blue. Directed by none other than Rico Da Crook. Underrated is coming soon.
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No Blueprint 2. Terius Nash appears to be working hard on his next project and back to using his stage name. Here’s a flick of his next project’s covert art in the making. Get ready.
A few weeks ago, The Genius was invited to speak at Harvard University in Boston. There isn’t any video, but here’s audio of the lecture. Part two and three after the jump.
La Flare and Yo Gotti put their heart on their sleeves for the Caucasian persuasion on this new track.
Frank Ocean spread holiday cheer last night by posting a new song on his tumblr page. Dry ya eye and give it a listen. i just listened to this a few times for myself. figured maybe some else needed to hear it. it
Prodigy is still climbing up that ladder of success and pens something new to those who wanna bring him down. HNIC 3 coming soon.
Aubrey has shown his love for Aaliyah on numerous occasions, but he recently took it a step further by adding Baby Girl’s portrait to his back. That’s him on the far right. Last August, Drake guest blogged for us and penned a letter to the late R&B songstress in honor of her 31st birthday. heads up:
What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. But in support of his 10 song visual album, Les Is More, Ryan Leslie shows what goes down in Sin City. Don’t let the good girls go bad. Previously: “Beautiful Lie“
Judging by the iTunes
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