Time for some Slime. And with Scram Jones behind the boards, Vado lets go of his new street single off his upcoming Slime Flu 2. You better get it right.
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Off The Evil Empire’s Trending Topics 2 Interstate Traffickin, Stunna shows his reach with Radric and Uncle Bun tagging along. Y’all talk about it. They live it. Be’lee dat. Mr. X UPDATE: Almost two years later, the Scarface-remake now sans Gucci will appear on the Rap-A-Lot 25th anniversary boxset on December 6 via Complex.
[vodpod id=Video.15646962&w=540&h=350&fv=] For Tyra Banks’ ANTM episode on Wednesday, the contestants had to write and shoot their own music video and Game made a cameo during the show to help direct their visuals. And, action!
Don’t call it a comeback. Well, actually, you can. Jeezy held a listening session for TM 103 last night inside an intimate room at Quad Studios. Despite the setbacks, pushbacks, and everything else in between, the album is worth the wait. It’s less political than The Recession but more diverse than TM 102. The tracklist has been updated as well. Highlights include Jill Scott’s jive talk on “Trap”, “OJ”, the radio-ready “Leave Ya Alone”, “Smoke And Fuck”, and of course, […]
[vodpod id=Video.15646542&w=540&h=350&fv=affiliateSiteId%3D176704%26widgetId%3D495995%26width%3D628%26height%3D386%26playOnLoad%3D0%26revision%3D131%26js%3D1%26autoPlay%3D0%26mediaURL%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.bet.com%252Fvideo%252F106andpark%252F106guestrewind%252F106park808-common-s1%252F_jcr_content%252Fleftcol%252Fvideoplayer.mrss%253Ftype%253Dembed%26allowFullScreen%3Dtrue%26] Common returned to 106 & Park yesterday afternoon to promote his new series, Hell On Wheels. He spoke on debuting on the New York Times Bestseller list, Happy Feet, and the excellent “Blue Sky”.
No major label? No problem. Mac Miller makes his cover debut on this week’s edition of Billboard. Rumble young man, rumble! Blue Slide Park drops November 8th. Cover feature available to read here. No album out, yet emerging “Donald Trump” rapper Mac Miller’s already racked up quite the teenage cult. Will sold-out live crowds and a million+ Twitter followers (and an overall social push) translate into sales for his indie-label debut LP? Our writer went full-on “Almost Famous” on the […]
[vodpod id=Video.15644887&w=540&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26] Krit keeps his cash on the ground inside the gentleman’s club for his new video. Cameos from Tip, Nelly and, a bunch of single moms. Live From The Underground, coming in 2012. os
As it gets closer to the release of their next project, BeYoung, Like, and Mibbs drop their latest visual. Don’t forget The DiV on November 8.
Shawty Redd can breathe easier now after a Georgia judge cleared him of murder charges. Early last year, Redd fatally shot an acquaintance inside his Hampton, GA home. According to Redd’s lawyer, Ashutosh Joshi: “The defense [in the trial] was clearly self-defense,” Joshi told MTV News. “We argued that Redd’s life was threatened both verbally and physically, and this occurred in his home and that he shot this gentleman as a result of that.”
By now, we all heard Common’s diatribe at the end of his latest recording, “Sweet“. XXL got Lonnie on the horn to discusses his blind attack. When I heard “Sweet” I though to myself, “I haven’t heard Common talk shit like that since One Day It’ll All Make Sense.” What made you bring that old Common back? Common: It’s funny you say the old Common, ‘cause one of my boys said, “Man, you remind me of when you was at […]