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Stalley Speaks On His MMG Deal

[vodpod id=Video.15472004&w=540&h=350&–UUJCXbI03wJZIun%26domain%3Dembed%26dynamicStreaming%3Dtrue] Now that the ink is officially dry, Stalley tells XXL how his deal with Maybach Music Group came to fruition and reveals that Young Guru is mixing the re-release of Lincoln Way Nights due November 1st.

B.o.B. Announces Sophomore LP Title

[vodpod id=Video.15471774&w=540&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26] Bobby Ray was recently on The Ryan Cameron Show and revealed that his sophomore album will be called Strange Clouds. The title also serves as his first single. In case you were wondering, below he explains how the track came about. “Wayne actually got on it pretty quick. It was a quick turnaround,” he shared. “We were kind of debating on it, but we just felt like this was the song that should go first. I feel really […]

Amber Rose Interview On Hot 97

Following Rosenberg’s tweet, Amber Rose confronted him yesterday on Hot 97. During her interview, she spoke on a range of topics including her upbringing, book, Kanye West, and Wiz Khalifa. The interview is 43 minutes long, so cop a squat and listen up.