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Jayo Felony Accused Of House Squatting

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L.E.P. Bogus Boys Chicago Tribune Feature

Extra, extra read all about it. Moonie and Count are featured in today’s edition of The Chicago Tribune. The entire article is available to read here. Peep an excerpt below. LEP Bogus Boys — the LEP stands for “Low End Professionals,” a reference to the lower street addresses of the Ickes homes where the group got its start — has come a long way. The group has been together for 13 years and there have struggles, both professional and personal. […]

J.Cole VIP “A Dollar And A Dream” Giveaway

This Sunday, Jermaine is holding court at the Roseland Ballroom for only a $1.00. Can’t beat that! Tickets go on sale at noon the day of the concert at the Roseland box office. You can also pick up tickets at New York Jimmy Jazz locations. Doors open at 7 P.M. Every day until showtime, we’re giving away a set of tickets for you and a guest to kick it with the RapRadar crew. First one to email us [email protected] with […]