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Hip-Hop Reacts To Troy Davis Execution

Troy Davis was officially pronounced dead at 11:08 pm EST in the State of Georgia. Earlier this evening, Davis’ execution was delayed due to a request for a stay, but it was denied by the Supreme Court hours later. Troy Davis was convicted of murdering an off-duty police officer in 1989, but witnesses have recanted their testimonies over the years. Recently, thousands across the nation protested and petitioned to prevent today’s execution. Whether they were for or against the decision, […]

Frank Ocean On Hot 97 (Angie Martinez)

Frank Ocean rarely does interviews. But today, he let his guard down and spoke with Angie Martinez for the first time on New York’s Hot 97. Break 1: Frank speaks on being enigmatic and fame. Break 2: Frank gives his experiences on working with The Throne and Beyoncé. Break 3: No album date set yet. Frank hopes to be part of the upcoming Watch The Throne concerts and shows off his marijuana card.