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Real Reason Why T.I. Is Back In Prison

Details have emerged on why T.I. was sent back to prison last week. Although the real reasoning behind it was never confirmed, various reports stated it was for the way he was transported. According to documents obtained, the rapper’s reincarceration stems from the amount of VH1 producers onboard while filming for his upcoming reality show. Tiny ain’t never lie.  Such people were not authorized to travel with him in the conditions of his furlough,” a Bureau of Prisons report obtained by CNN […]

Steve Stoute “The Tanning Effect” Series

[vodpod id=Video.15379516&w=425&h=350&fv=stillurl%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fpdl%252Estream%252Eaol%252Ecom%252Fpdlext%252Faol%252Fbrightcove%252Fame%252F201109%252F07%252F26483%252Ftanningeffect%255F01%255F090711%255F%255F8%255F640x360%252Ejpg%26amp%3Bpublisherid%3D1612833736%26amp%3Bvideoid%3D1147997112001%26amp%3Bplayerid%3D61371448001%26amp%3Bcodever%3D1] Steve Stoute’s new book The Tanning Of America hits bookstores today. Coinciding with the release, here’s highlights from his new web series based on the tome. It includes interviews with Jay-Z, Pharrell, and Jimmy Iovine. huffpost