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Beyoncé “1+1” On American Idol

[vodpod id=Video.9568850&w=540&h=350&] After presenting the tracklist of her album, Bey appeared on the season finale of American Idol this evening to give a live performance of the album’s opening track, “1+1“. After the jump, she goes “Crazy In Love”. 4 in stores June 28. mwp

Amber Rose Covers VIBE

The Ross cover is already on newsstands in New York, but this one has yet to hit the racks. Here’s a few excerpts courtesy of VIBE. AMBER ON LIFE POST-KANYE: “What am I supposed to do? Crawl up in a corner and die ‘cause I’m not with Kanye anymore? Am I supposed to go back to the strip club and not take these opportunities that I have?” 

AMBER OF HER RELATIONSHIP WITH REGGIE BUSH: “Me and Reggie [Bush] dated very […]