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Odd Future Takes London

[vodpod id=Video.7475215&w=540&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26] Just a few hours ago at the Village Underground in the London, Odd Future performed for the first time across the pond. Sumit comes through with footage from the show. Sidebar: Photos

Bangladesh Getting Sticked For His Paper

Here we go again. Bangladesh tells MTV that he has yet to receive compensation for producing Lil Wayne’s “6’7“. He also states that instead of charging for a beat, he asked Wayne for a feature for his album, but never received that as well. “It’s hard to do when I can’t get Wayne features. I don’t know if it’s the people around the situation or it’s the actual person. Every time we come up with a solution, it never gets taken care […]