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DJ Drama Birthday Bash

[vodpod id=Video.7639724&w=540&h=350&fv=] We got some video yesterday, but now Decatur Dan comes through with the official footage from DJ Drama’s Born Day Bash at Club Opera last week. Mr. Thanksgiving’s new album is coming soon.

Freddie Gibbs On Power 105.1: After The Club

[vodpod id=Video.7639740&w=540&h=350&fv=p%3D5296%26c%3D455157%26l%3D224739%26s%3D1322340%26tbid%3D483%26allowFullScreen%3Dtrue%26] Freddie Gibbs appeared on New York’s Power 105.1’s post morning show, After The Club. The sit down was the first installment of their “Co-Sign” segment. Gibbs touched on a bunch of topics and previewed his new track with Young Jeezy (27:28 mark).