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Diddy On Hawaii Five-O

[vodpod id=Video.6667503&w=425&h=350&] Diddy returned to the small screen two nights ago on the CBS drama, Hawaii Five-O. If you missed it, which you probably did, here’s a synopsis of the episode: When a crime lord moves against the family of an undercover NYPD detective who infiltrated his organization, it’s up to Five-0 to stop the policeman from exacting revenge.

New Video: Beastie Boys “Make Some Noise”

[vodpod id=Video.6658318&w=540&h=350&] Now that the Beastie Boys are back, they bring the ruckus with their new clip for their latest single. Starring Seth Rogen, Danny McBride, and Elijah Wood. Hot Sauce Committee Pt. 2 drops May 3rd. mtv

Game Detained In Canada

  Not everyone is celebrating 4/20 today. After waiting three hours in Canadian customs, Game was denied across the border. He then turned to Twitter and annocuned that he will be detained for 14 days. O Canada! Been in Customs for 3 hours……. #patienceIsAvirtue.Customs officials just denied me entry into Canada. I’m sorry 2 ALL my fans but I was mislead by promoters & assured I would be able 2 enter. This just in: I’m being detained in Canada for 14 […]