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Joell Ortiz At S.O.B.’s Ticket Giveaway

Alright boys and girls, I got a pair of tickets for you and a guest to catch Joell Ortiz and friends tonight at S.O.B.’s. I’ll be giving away a set every hour until 4 P.M. first one to email me with your full name at [email protected] wins. UPDATE: First set has been given away. Holla back at 2:16 p.m. 3:16 Last call: 4:16: Congrats to Tommy, Wayne, Mike, and Tim

Nas Serves Christmas Dinner In Harlem

[vodpod id=Video.5182173&w=425&h=350&] Nas was in Harlem USA at Melba’s Restaurant and served Christmas dinner to families of HIV/AIDS victims. The event was thrown by activist Maria Davis of “Mad Wednesdays” fame. Here’s what Esco had to say about his involvement. “For me, it’s like I can’t get away from the community. The community is in me so giving back is important,” he said. Nas also added that helping others doesn’t have to include logging hours at charity events, but said […]