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Fat Joe Discusses New Mixtape & Album

Yeah, Fat Joe’s Darkside Vol. 1 flopped. But so what, the Don’s back at it and he tells Global Grind that he’s working on a new mixtape and album. In one of your last interview you said you would be releasing two more albums after Darkside Vol. 1 and then retiring, is this true and why two? I don’t even know, that’s just shit I said. I’m working on a new album now, but it’s not even a Darkside album, […]

Doug E. Fresh Talks “The Dougie” On ESPN

[vodpod id=Video.5095492&w=425&h=350&fv=allowFullScreen%3Dtrue%26id%3D5906214%26] In the wide world of sports, 2010 has been the year of The Dougie. The dance pioneered by Doug E. Fresh and popularized by Cali Swag District’s platinum single has been everywhere from the hardwood to the gridiron. The World’s Greatest Entertainer appeared on ESPN today and spoke on its popularity. You ain’t messin’ wit my Dougie. Related: Wall Street Journal Analyzes The Dougie