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Jay Electronica Signs To Roc Nation

Moments ago, Jay-Z announced at his secret event at The Box in NYC, that Jay Electronica is latest addition to Roc Nation. Congrats! This calls for a celebration. Ace of Spades for everyone! UPDATE: Angela Yee captures Jay Elect performing a new song. [vodpod id=Video.4899112&w=425&h=350&fv=] “If you want that turmoil, I’ll Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Worldstar you/RapRadar, NahRight, 2DopeBoy you…”

New Video: Jazmine Sullivan “10 Seconds”

[vodpod id=Video.4895827&w=425&h=350&fv=%40videoPlayer%3D673350879001%26amp%3BplayerID%3D58375633001%26amp%3BplayerKey%3DAQ%7E%7E%2CAAAAAEMcC3Y%7E%2CNII8yi9nN4xC4-knzr2hGP8VkLfFlZS4%26amp%3Bdomain%3Dembed%26amp%3BdynamicStreaming%3Dtrue] Jazmine’s revenge? Whoa! This will make me think twice about cheating. Anywho, here’s the video for the songstress’ second single. Love Me Back in stores November 30th.