YEEEESSSSSSSSSS album almost DONE!!!@ChrisRock JUST FINISHED NARRATING MY WHOLE ALBUM!!!Krrraaaazzzzyyyyy!!!! Kanye West isn’t the only rapper that has Chris Rock on his new album. Busta Rhymes’ upcoming project is nearly complete and it will also feature the comedian. Ain’t that funny?
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Thugga drops his Thug Thursday’s latest treat a little bit earlier than usual. This one features a couple of familiar supastarz and of course it definitely has its shine. hhnm Last Week: “Smell Good”
The Board Of Administration and Banks Films put together a 20 minute mini-documentary on Wale and Jermaine while they were in Atlanta awhile back. Below the two pair up for a track off J.Cole’s Friday Night Lights mixtape dropping this Friday. “You Got It”
The Motion Picture lets us tag along with Bobby Ray and gives us a insider experience during his show in Dublin, Ireland last week. Another day, another adventure.
It’s been a few weeks since we’ve heard from Asher. Tonight, we get something off his upcoming project with Nottz, The Rawth EP. It’s time to run it back ’cause this white boy can rap! ya dude
The fun and games are over I’m back to work. I’m on some new shit my album is coming along get ready for a classic. Nice cut, 50. In September, Fif said he wasn’t shaving his hair until the completion of his next album. Since then, he’s been spotted wearing fitted caps. But today, he posted this pic with a freshly cropped ‘do. Unfortunately, the album isn’t done yet. However, a few days ago he promised that it’ll be a […]
[vodpod id=Video.4881248&w=425&h=350&fv=] Although this track is dumb old, tomorrow is Veterans Day, so Spiff TV gives us a behind the scenes look at the upcoming video. Salute. wshh
[vodpod id=Video.4881946&w=425&h=350&fv=%26amp%3Bskin%3DMP1ExternalAll-MFL.swf%26amp%3Bembed%3Dtrue%26amp%3BadSizeArray%3D300x240%26amp%3BadSrc%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fad%252Edoubleclick%252Enet%252Fadx%252Ftsg%252Ekriv%252Fentertainment%252Fmusic%252Fdetail%253Bdcmt%253Dtext%252Fxml%253Bpos%253D%253Btile%253D2%253Bfname%253D101105%252Dlegendary%252Dhouston%252Drapper%252Dwillie%252Dd%252Dgoes%252Dto%252Dprison%253Bloc%253Dsite%253Bsz%253D320x240%253Bord%253D1810649528315913%253Frand%253D0%252E33630154500177545%26amp%3Bflv%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww%252Emyfoxhouston%252Ecom%252Ffeeds%252FoutboundFeed%253FobfType%253DVIDEO%255FPLAYER%255FSMIL%255FFEED%2526componentId%253D133672448%26amp%3Bimg%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fmedia2%252Emyfoxhouston%252Ecom%252F%252Fphoto%252F2010%252F11%252F05%252F101105williedspeaks5pm%255Ftmb0003%255F20101105171935%255F640%255F480%252EJPG%26amp%3Bstory%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww%252Emyfoxhouston%252Ecom%252Fdpp%252Fentertainment%252Fmusic%252F101105%252Dlegendary%252Dhouston%252Drapper%252Dwillie%252Dd%252Dgoes%252Dto%252Dprison%26amp%3Bcategory%3Dbusiness%26amp%3Btitle%3D101105williedspeaks5pm%26amp%3Boacct%3Dfoximfoximkriv%2Cfoximglobal%26amp%3Bovns%3Dfoxinteractivemedia] Last week Geto Boys’ Willie D was sentenced to a year and a day in prison for scamming iPhones. Willie D appeared on FOX 26 in Houston to speak on the reasoning behind his current predicament and beginning his term on December 4th. “Somebody did me wrong, somebody stole my phones, and so I did the same thing to somebody else. I didn’t necessarily steal their phones, I just didn’t ship them. I took the money and didn’t ship their orders. […]
[vodpod id=Video.4881338&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26] Joell tore the house down last night at S.O.B.’s and brought along some friends including JuJu from the Beatnuts, Troy Ave., and Sean Price. Dallas Penn was in the building to capture the footage. Yep, Brooklyn was definitely in the house. Sidebar: Check out some pics from last night.
Maurice Garland recently launched a new website dedicated to adult beverages. For the first installment of his Open Bar series, E-40 spoke on the origins of “Hurricane“, Carlos Rossi wine, and his partnership with Snoop Dogg in Candy Cognac. Cheers!