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Kanye Returns To Saturday Night Live

How’s this for Saturday Night Fever? Although Kanye threw SNL and the whole cast under the bus on “Power”, he’s set to return to the program as the musical guest on October 2nd. The show will be hosted by actor, Bryan Cranston. Ain’t that funny? futoncritic

Nicki Minaj Covers Complex (Oct/Nov 2010)

On the other side of Cudi,’s Complex over story is Nicki Minaj. In the feature, she discusses her debut LP Pink Friday and toning down her sexual content. More photographs after the jump. You’ve said in recent interviews that you want to tone down the sexual content in your music. What prompted that? Nicki Minaj: On “My Chick Bad,” I had to show people that I can spit a verse without sex or talking about how good I look. I’m […]

J.Cole SLAM Feature

The new issue of SLAM featuring LeBron James and Dwight Howard is currently on newsstands. And on page 22, J.Cole discusses his basketball jones. During his days at St. John’s University, he says he received a call back from the Red Storm but opted not to pursue his hoop dreams.