Long overdue Nipsey. Oh well. For Hussle’s next motion picture he cruises his streets because well, he runs this town. Pour you a glass of Conjure. Keep it locked. South Central State Of Mind coming soon. wshh
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It was cold in the D for Da Snowman, but afterwards, Jeezy traveled down to sunny M.I.A for Labor Day weekend and partied it up at his All White Everything Party at King Of Diamonds. 24hhh
It’s showtime! The one band man chops it up with Envy on MTV2’s Sucker Free Countdown to discuss his recent production credits, his VMA nod for “On To The Next One” and his recent marriage. yardie
The beat of the weekend. Ha! son marko
The Bay Area’s KMEL Summer Jam went down at the Oracle Arena in Oakland Saturday night. Above Aubrey shows us a good time performing his next single off Thank Me Later. Meanwhile, Lloyd Banks runs through “Any Girl” below. hhnm
On St. Louis’ Hot 104.1, X reveals who he’s got behind the boards for his next album, which he’s aiming for a 4th quarter release. At the 1:00 mark, Earl praises T.I., but gives the worst rapper title to Algernod. Damn bruh bruh. rtny
Where’s Killa? Capo, Santana and your boy Freekey brought the Dips to the Hippodrome in Springfield, Massachusetts last night and performed some oldies but goodies. It’s a family reunion. x
Lately, Robert’s music has been on point and we can definitely see the fireworks with this Polow Da Don produced track. Off Kells’ September 21st release, Epic, which is one of the three projects he’s releasing. uhtn
The guy who does more touring than dropping albums took to the stage at yesterday’s North Coast Festival in the Chi and for the first time performed his latest single. Food & Liquor 2 coming soon. sean
Initially off his More About Nothing mixtape, Ralph Folarin revisits track 16 and extends his trip downtown. A trip we definitely do not mind taking again. Pause?
[…] With the advent of drill music, gang life is omnipresent in the current hip-hop/rap landscape. Yet, The Game's depiction of that life in his 2011 song "Red Nation" saw quick banning. In response, The Game hoped more of his songs were banned from radio because they did so well on the internet. […]