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Gucci Mane Speaks On New LP & Mixtape

[vodpod id=Video.4309741&w=425&h=350&] La Flare sits with MTV Dos and explains the meaning behind his upcoming album The Appeal. He then focuses attention on his latest mixtape with DJ Holiday, Jewelry Selection. Icey cover, Gooch.

Snakes Says Hisss Brings Out Jim Jones

[vodpod id=Video.4309674&w=425&h=350&fv=] These indie rock bands sure do have some weird-ass names. Last Friday, Snakes Says Hisss brought out Jimmy Jones during their set at Less Artists More Condos/Under 100 party in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. The “hippest” place on earth. yk2 via mikey

Russell Simmons Supports NY Mosque

Here’s a snapshot of Russell Simmons’ apartment perched near Ground Zero. In his windows are images of religious symbols that spell out C-O-E-X-I-S-T. There’s been much controversy surrounding the erection of a mosque two blocks away. Rush told the NY Daily News that he wants the message to unite instead of divide. “I hope some yogi sees om. I hope that some Christian sees the cross. I hope that some Jewish person sees Star of David. I want people to […]

RR Guest Blog: Drake’s Letter To Aaliyah

As many of you know, Drake is a huge fan of Aaliyah as evidenced by TML‘s “Unforgettable” which samples her song “At Your Best”. On the ninth anniversary of Ms. Haughton’s passing, Rap Radar reached out to Drizzy to get his thoughts on a day that will forever be remembered. He quickly penned the following letter below. RIP Baby Girl.

Timbaland Denies Suicide Report

Timbaland called Ryan Seacrest’s show today and denied that he tried to off himself. He says something was stolen from his crib and he went for a drive to clear his head. There goes your resolution. tmz Sidebar: Timbo’s mother in-law’s 911 call.

Wiz Khalifa On Declining Rick Ross’ Deal

Last month, Rick Ross wanted Wiz on his Maybach Music roster. Although Atlantic beat Rozay to the punch, the Pittsburgh spitta tells VIBE, he would’ve declined Ross’ offer anyways. “When I woke up and went to Twitter I saw a bunch of people talking about it and was like ‘What the hell?’ So I went on the blogs and saw his . Then Ross ended up calling me [the same day] to say it himself. I would’ve kept doing what I was […]

Bruno Mars On Creating Cee-Lo’s “Fuck You”

[vodpod id=Video.4307435&w=425&h=350&] It seems as if Cee-Lo’s new track is everyone’s favorite sing-a-long. So much so, that even Curtis wanted in. Bruno Mars, the man behind the boards, talked to 1515 about his studio session with Mr. Green. “Talk about the perfect marriage, we been fans of Cee-Lo for real. And we became labelmates and I was just feeding that to them, ‘We got to get in. I know he’s working on something, we got to do something.’ So he comes […]