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Nicki Minaj Provides Pink Friday Status

[vodpod id=Video.4164570&w=425&h=350&] From the set of Trey Songz’s new video, “Bottoms Up”, Nicki tells MTV that her debut album, Pink Friday is “progressing miraculously”. Real, insightful ma. Off camera though, she spoke on her next possible single. “I have a record called ‘Right Through Me’ that I think will be a standout,” Minaj said. “It’s not gonna come right now. It’ll come closer to when the album drops, but it’s a really, really pretty song. Everyone’s gonna like it.” The […]

L.E.P. Bogus Boys Knockin On “Heavenz Door”

[sparkart-clique site=”rap_radar” video=”lep_bogus_boyz__sobs_pt2″] This should’ve been included in this post earlier, but it slipped under the radar. At the beginning of the Bogus Boys’ set, they performed a personal favorite, “Heavenz Door”. Not to be confused with Dylan, GNR, or Clapton‘s versions.

Wale Talks Washington Redskins On Fox 5

[vodpod id=Video.4164421&w=425&h=350&fv=%26skin%3DMP1ExternalAll-MFL.swf%26embed%3Dtrue%26adSrc%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fad%252Edoubleclick%252Enet%252Fadx%252Ftsg%252Ewttg%252Fsports%252Fsports%255Fother%255F3%252Fdetail%253Bdcmt%253Dtext%252Fxml%253Bpos%253D%253Btile%253D2%253Bfname%253Drapper%252Dwale%252Dtalks%252Dredskins%252Dwith%252Ddave%252Dross%252D080410%253Bloc%253Dsite%253Bsz%253D320x240%253Bord%253D65846809096338220%253Frand%253D0%252E30338474620828026%26flv%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww%252Emyfoxdc%252Ecom%252Ffeeds%252FoutboundFeed%253FobfType%253DVIDEO%255FPLAYER%255FSMIL%255FFEED%2526componentId%253D132994313%26img%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fmedia2%252Emyfoxdc%252Ecom%252F%252Fphoto%252F2010%252F08%252F04%252FRossRapperWale%252Emov%255Ftmb0004%255F20100804151809%255F640%255F480%252EJPG%26story%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww%252Emyfoxdc%252Ecom%252Fdpp%252Fsports%252Fred%255Fzone%252Frapper%252Dwale%252Dtalks%252Dredskins%252Dwith%252Ddave%252Dross%252D080410%26] This morning, Wale was on Fox 5 in D.C. at the Washington Redskins‘ training camp in Virginia. After discussing Albert Haynesworth’s bum knee, he plugged his new mixtape, More About Nothing. You heard the man, download it here.

Lord Finesse Explains DITC Origins

For those born during the Clinton Administration, Lord Finesse gave Grind Music Radio a brief history of his legendary crew, DITC. That’s Diggin’ In The Crates, kids. Other members included Showbiz & A.G., Big L, O.C., Fat Joe, Diamond D and Buckwild. See, knowing is half the battle.

Eminem Falls To Number Two On Charts

All good things must come to an end. After five weeks at number one, Eminem’s Recovery was bumped to number two on the Billboard Charts. The shift was caused by rock band Avenged Sevenfold’s latest album Nightmare, which sold 163,000 copies. But don’t cry for him yet Argentina, Eminem still managed to sell 159,000 copies last week. woooha

B.Dot vs. Just Blaze In Def Jam Rapstar

Before heading to S.O.B.’s to watch Freddie Gibbs last night, I stopped by the Def Jam Rapstar event at the Cooper Square Hotel on the Lower East Side. In a nutshell, the video game is karaoke: hip-hop style. Just Blaze was in the house too and Ms. Drama convinced us to battle over T.I.’s “Live Your Life”. A song Just produced, nonetheless. By the end of the song, yours truly walked away victorious! And oh yeah, there wasn’t a handicap! […]