The artist formerly known as Uncle Murda let off the “Bullet Bullet” last night at B.B. King. It’s suprising how much this song still rings off.
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After much smack talk from Jim Jones and Jay Electronica, the ATLiens issue a response to their competitors. Tip off is this Saturday in Atlanta.
[sparkart-clique site=”rap_radar” video=”waka_flocka_1″] Waka Flocka stopped by B.B. King last night too and surprisingly, turned the building inside out with performances of “O Let’s Do It” and “Hard In Da Paint”. Who knew he had it in him? [sparkart-clique site=”rap_radar” video=”waka_flocka_2″]
Banks continues to show is Hunger For More with another freestyle. No wonder why he’s got the labels in a frenzy. Album coming this summer. This Is 50
Bobby Ray’s debut album is finally in stores today and below are two iTunes bonus cuts. Earlier this month, he performed the first joint in acoustic style. “Letters From Vietnam” YK2 “Can I Fly”
[vodpod id=Video.3501125&w=425&h=350&fv=] Justin and Jay took it out West and performed at the Yoshi’s Jazz Club in San Francisco this past Saturday. Above is a dope montage of their performance including “Exhibit A” and “Exhibit C”. Buggin’ Out
[sparkart-clique site=”rap_radar” video=”fat_joe__bb_king”] DJ Prostyle of New York’s Power 105.1 celebrated his born last night at B.B. King Bar & Grill in Times Square. The party was to be hosted by Diddy, but unfortunately he wasn’t in attendance. Ah well, the show must go and kicking off the live performances was Fat Joe with a medley of hits. Mo’ clips on the way.
Wake up everybody, no more sleeping in bed. Here’s the latest leak from Nas and Damian’s Distant Relatives. Definitely one of the better cuts so far. UGC via Semtex
The cameras roll as we get a first look at the F. Gary Gray directed visual for Rick Ross. I’m sure the video will be just as solid as the actual track. Besides, a Stacey Dash feature doesn’t hurt. Teflon Don coming soon. 57th Ave
Not only does Styles P write rhymes, but he’s venturing into books as well. Here’s a synopsis of his first novel, Invincible. The full work hits bookstores June 1st. Get your read on below.
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