38 Spesh and his Coke Boy co-d’s plead their cases on this new joint. Stepping on squares like hopscotch? Ha! Good one. This will appear on Spech’s project Time Served due out later this year.
Tag: chinx drugz
When Taylor Gang and Coke Boys mix, Chevy and Chinx both brush the haters off on their collaboration. Produced by Big Dropz. Chevy Woods’ Gangland mixtape coming soon.
Time to burn off some calories. For Chinx’s remix, he, Montana and Kiss
Don’t be mad ’cause these coke boys are stylin’ on you. With their liquor light and their women white, here’s Ciroc’s the new video off last year’s release, Coke Boys 2.
All the way back in September, Chinx Drugz gave us his new remix with French & Jadakiss. Now, ItsBizkit provides us with some behind the scenes footage from the video shoot. Hopefully, we get the final product soon enough. The ladies in this video are looking pretty damn good. Ha!
What a great combo. For their latest video off their joint mixtape,
Chinx Drugz goes extra hard by flexing through his Rolodex and finds French Montana and Kiss for his remix. itsbizkit
[…] hunger is evident in the intensity of the new music. The Black Cocaine EP is not just another release—it’s a statement. Prodigy emphasized the importance of longevity in hip-hop and how Mobb […]