[vodpod id=Video.15379608&w=540&h=350&fv=] Along with the lifestyle editors Coffey and Smiley, Maino dressed to impressed during his fashion shoot for the latest issue of RESPECT. magazine. Do remember, the issue is on newsstands now.
Tag: respect.
Jay and Kanye aren’t doin’ any press but I still got something to say about the album everyone is and should be talkin’ about. Issue on stands Sept. 6.
If you haven’t picked up the latest issue of RESPECT., DJ Khaled’s interview is now available online. Peruse the feature after the jump and cop We The Best Forever tomorrow.
It didn’t take long for Tyler, The Creator’s “Yonkers” video to hit a million views. In fact, it is currently sitting at 14 million. In this online exclusive, RESPECT., goes behind the lens and talks to the creators of the critically-acclaimed viral. Previously: RESPECT. Interview
While we all still wait for the release of the limited edition Tyler, The Creator RESPECT. cover, YN’s story is now online. Show some RESPECT. and cop the latest issue. RESPECT.
Finally: The super limited edition version of our current issue. Details on how to get one? Coming soon. Ha! RESPECT.
As seen on MTV’s RapFix and officially on sale next Tuesday, June 7. Hell: The Sequel in stores June 14. Synergy, suckers. Ha! RESPECT.
Image: Amanda Friedman Pardon my lateness, but Friday’s April Fool’s fuckery was workin’ on my last nerve. Today we present the fourth and final feature from the current issue of RESPECT. I got my work cut out for me toppin’ this one, but I’m about to go in. I promise you. More flicks at Respect-mag.com Previously: Rozay | Busta | Wale
Image: Clarke Tolton Here’s the third piece from the latest issue of RESPECT. Magazine. Take note: This interview was conducted before the ink was even dry on Wale’s Maybach Music Group deal and before Mr. Folarin made amends with his old friend Kid Cudi. Glad these dudes resolved their differences. I fuck with them both muscially. Ha! Go to respect-mag for more ‘Le flicks. And subscribe, dammit!
Image: Colby Katz Oh, you don’t know? It’s RESPECT. Week at Rap Radar. And here’s the second of my four formidable features. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the definitive history of the great Busta Rhymes—told in his own words. Salute legend! More flicks at respect-mag.com