T.I. King Uncaged Pushed Up

Lock your windows. Close your doors. The king returns a week early. August XVII MMX.

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  1. JamieLondon says:

    Pushed Up ? I Thought The Album Was Coming In August Anyways?

  2. Young Sha says:

    Got moved up 1 week, this is news TIP? F*ck outta here. I’m a big TI fan but the album name sucks, Uncaged would have been okay. But really duke, you did what, 9 months? If someone like Shyne came back with an album called “Uncaged” it would be more plausible, dude did 10 years.

  3. dank nugz says:

    <<<<<agree with YN.. the title of the album is just corny..

  4. llll says:

    Fuck the title, who cares?
    I love how his label pushes up every album. UNLIKE OTHER LABELS(Aftermath)!!

  5. Young Sha says:

    Pushed up by 1 week dude, there’s still 3 months.

    Atlantic seem to have their shit together, they’ve handled the B.o.B project very well, moved it up, promoted it, and prevented the leak.

  6. ctg says:

    The title King Uncaged will continue to be funny to me. What, was I’m Even More Serious taken?

  7. Al says:

    sounds like a gay porn dvd

  8. dollabeelz says:

    im i the only one who doesnt really feel t.i?

  9. CantGetRight says:

    Is that really him on twitter or his record label lol. Anyway,title sucks. Shouldve went with ‘King Muzik’.

  10. necyscruiser says:

    i could care less this peanut p will not get my hard earned money so he could buy more LV

  11. King JuggaNott says:

    King Uncaged sounds like a WWE Pay-Per-View or something. Ha!

  12. Ac@pella! says:

    Give it a week or two…he’ll change the name of it 🙂

  13. Eyo says:

    Paper Trail got also pushed up to august, but then got pushed back for an end of september release afterwards. So doesn’t have to mean anything!

  14. Pepeto says:


    wHY ? wHY ? whY ? he got change the name of his album because u rap analysts said so let the man be jesusss motherfucker want shit their way like they really buy cd’s when niggaz drop LOL

  15. B.Dot says:

    The title King Uncaged will continue to be funny to me. What, was I’m Even More Serious taken?

  16. Can says:

    word @ctg. funny as hell

  17. XIserveIX says:

    Fuck outta here with all the “Atlantic has their shit together” talk. They STILL haven’t given Lupe a release date for Lasers yet. Fuck Atlantic.

  18. b says:

    ffs! Who cares what the album is called.. Really ? Im Back was great track.. and Im sure the album will be good.

  19. borg says:

    two fingers in the air

  20. Locco says:

    Get yall cock block asses off the blog it dnt matta wat the name of album is. I bet my life he take ova after it drop aint nobody fuccn wit dude.

  21. george says:

    T.I. Is taking a risk with this album. ‘King uncaged’ sounds like he is boasting about just how much he has dealt with, but then again, it was 9 months. Its a shame really, because the more inspirational and meaningful songs he had done (no matter what, for example) really did shine and had me listening to the tracks for weeks on end. You would expect him to come out a changed man, or with at least the slightest bit more sense and understanding as how he got himself into the shit in the first place. Perhaps I’m speaking a bit too soon since very little tracks have been released yet, but either way, at this rate, T.I. may have lost out on a fan here. And I may not be the only one. Let’s hope something in him changes and prevents things turning out even worse for him than they already have been.

  22. Locco says:

    Look man why does it matter what he do cuz he gon get paid regardless of yall opinion. He dont only rap hes a writer 2. He cant sit on da side line and still get paid. So basically yall gon have Parkinson disease 4rm typin so much hate on the keyboard so much. Get off the blog and worry bout yo shit and not his. Its obvious that yall muthafuccas just listening 2 the beat of the song “Im Back” cuz he clearly say dat ON DA SONG.

  23. Matterdatty says:

    Locco….come on dude…parkinsons from typin’ to much?…..and he can sit on the sideline and get paid, it’s called royalities. your talking about getting off the blog and worryin’ bout your own shit while your on the blog not worryin’ bout your own shit…do us a favor….kill yourself. Anyway, T.I. has legitimate skills…he kills on freestyles and remixes. It’s not about the title, it’s about how good the album is….and his past history shows it’s likely gonna be good. I’m back’s tight and Love Again with The Dream owns. You wanna talk shit on a no talent rapper than there’s plenty of’em out there….Soulja Boy for example. Also, any prison time is hard time. That’s 9 months he can’t ever get back. I’ve done more time in prison, but you don’t hear me being disrespectful. T.I…….do ya thing pimpin’

  24. george says:

    Locco and matterdatty I respect what you say because at the end of the day we’re here to put across our own opinions about different things. Like many of his previous albums, this one is gna be as good if not better. I just wanted him to do something different because he is so diverse in his musical talent. The guy is a genius and I don’t want to sound like I’m disrespecting him and yes, you’re right, 9 months is still a time he won’t get back. I just don’t want him to get himself back into that situation again because he’s still young and has a lot to anticipate for. Feel free to respond how you wish, but just remember, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

  25. Locco says:

    Look I aint cum on dis muthafucca on purpose. I was lookn 4 a realese date muthafucca and ran across a bunch of muthafuccas hatin. So wtf fuck are you talkn about matterdatty with all the agression thats not even necessary cuz we on a blog. Dude my whole point was that the album is gon be hard regardless of the opinions and this aint gon make or break the album. And if u knew wat i meant wen i said writer it was no reason to correct me smart ass .But george im all the way with u on the album matter but I need to u to answer a question 4 me. How is writing on a blog gonna benefit any of us?

  26. Locco says:

    Look I aint cum on dis muthafucca on purpose. I was lookn 4 a realese date muthafucca and ran across a bunch of muthafuccas hatin. So wtf fuck are you talkn about matterdatty with all the agression thats not even necessary cuz we on a blog. Dude my whole point was that the album is gon be hard regardless of the opinions and this aint gon make or break the album. And if u knew wat i meant wen i said writer it was no reason to correct me smart ass .But george im all the way with u on the album matter but I need 4 u to answer a question 4 me. How is writing on a blog gonna benefit any of us?

  27. george says:

    Locco, I don’t think it will because many people are a bit too stubborn and ignorant for their own good to listen to any one else and immediately think they are hatin on T.I. So I don’t think it will benefit anyone because clearly one cannot express their own view without an arguement occuring. I don’t plan to say anything more but I just want people to take note on what I have said in this blog as I have done too. I think there have been some interesting viewpoints coming across here and I’m glad people have such a wide array of thoughts so in answer to your question Locco, it won’t benefit anyone and I don’t particularly want it to.

  28. Rob says:

    Who cares about the title name? You don’t have to deal with it, you will just go on LimeWire or another torrent site and burn it to a CD or download it to your Ipod/MP3. Who gives a fuck? And all this Shyne shit….fuck Shyne. At least T.I. isn’t like Wayne and get put in prison for have a gun in the car with him that didn’t belong to him. Wayne raps about shit he don’t know about. He is a good lyricist but at least rap about what you know not what will make you look cool until you’re uncovered. T.I. is raps about shit he knows and has really done. As far as nobody touching T.I., get the fuck outta here bro. Eminem will run circles around that dude. Eminem will probably have the best album this year.

  29. Locco says:

    lol this n19ga must be outta his mind. Im done fuck this blog.

  30. Always The Critic says:

    Everybody and their mom’s got something to say… but everyone one of you will own the album at some point! Not saying you’ll BUY it, but you WILL, I repeat WILL own it! So stop talking shit, stop hating and let the man be him! The title of the album ain’t gonna define whether anybody buys the album… The music is still gonna be top notch just like EVERY album before it! None of you are gonna see a dime of the money… other than the one from the $14.16 you spend at Target for the album! Ya dig! lmao

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