1. rahrahrah says:

    Miss this lady.

  2. Queen B says:

    RIP Amy! This excerpt is deep. Shout out to Salaam!

  3. She should have gotten a cover when she was alive.

  4. Duc says:

    it’s wierd how some of the sites are putting up tributes to her when everyone trashed the shit out of her when she was alive especially MTV.

    i looked at their site yesterday and they still have up articles and stuff calling her a crackhead and how she looks while including all of that in a “tribute” area for her.

  5. uknowuaintright says:

    @bighomie back to black wasnt amy’s debut. You guys run a pretty decent site most days, a little fact checking would never hurt.

  6. COLD DEATH says:



  7. Hip_Hop_Schola says:

    Rick Rubin should of work with her, would of been epic!

  8. sway-z says:

    Mr. Jones, I wonder if Nas ever publicly addressed how he felt about that song

  9. Post no billz says:

    this is that dead artist syndrome.. nobody gave two fucks when she was alive and now that shes dead everybody claims they were a fan and claims shes a great.. she was talented but she was more famous for her crack head antics..

  10. […] celebration of Amy and her contribution to music, one of Amy’s producers, Salaam Remi had this to say: “I

  11. […] celebration of Amy and her contribution to music, one of Amy’s producers, Salaam Remi had this to say: "I’m in London now. […]

  12. […] celebration of Amy and her contribution to music, one of Amy’s producers, Salaam Remi had this to say: “I’m in London now. […]

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