Steve Rifkind Resurrects Loud Records

Yesterday evening, we got word that Asher Roth signed to Def Jam Records. Since the beginning of his career, he’s been inked to Steve Rifkind’s label, SRC.

This morning, Steve explained via his Twitter account that Ash’s new situation is part of a joint venture between Def Jam and his defunct imprint, Loud. Back in the 90s, Loud were pioneers in street promotions and signed acts like Mobb Deep, Wu-Tang Clan and Big Pun. Time to carry on tradition.

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  1. D says:

    Asher’s cool but who is still checking for him?

  2. MegaMan says:

    Asher Roth and Mac Miller are the best white rappers alive, because they are innovative and intelligent. Eminem rap about drugs, his step dad molesting him, hoes and killing his wife and family. Yelawolf is even more ignorant than Eminem.

  3. birolex says:

    asher is cool i fuck with him he aint trying to be somethings his not his just him and makes some good music and he gets alot of love on other sites but not here

  4. Fan of Black People says:

    Black rappers are the best, especially 5 percenters.

  5. Dr. Dre's Ass says:

    Asher’s music is for collage dudes..

  6. Black Shady says:

    Yall stupid if yall compare Em with the other white rappers

    Em is in the Pac, Jay, Big Category

  7. DboyFlexxxin says:

    @Black Shady – Have you listened to Em’s past 2-3 albums? Um yea, no where near Big’s Level. Cant speak on Jay or pac cuz i dont really fuck with them. But em is a glorified busta rhymes, they may rhyme fast but there is NO context to what there saying.

  8. Time4SumAction says:

    I am black and I agree with Black Shady. Steve Rifkin is a snake. worked there a long time ago, things like shorting presses so the artist wouldn’t reach certain contractual limits on sales. True nonsense what he did to Banner and others,

  9. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    SMH@”But em is a glorified busta rhymes, they may rhyme fast but there is NO context to what there saying.” Perfect example why shouldn’t do drugs right there. End up like ‘DboyFlexxxin’

  10. Time4SumAction says:

    i agree w Black Shady

  11. Smoke screen says:

    @dr dre’s ass….its COLLEGE not COLLAGE.

  12. Brutally Honest says:

    So will Loud be like the D-League to Def Jam’s NBA ; no disrespect but a lot of hip-hop heads thought that Loud was the step-child of DJ, in it’s hey-day

  13. Truth says:

    Horrible fucking rapper , hope he and everyone associated with him dies pretty soon

  14. mm says:

    this shit just makes me feel old,

  15. Joeycrack says:

    big has the I died that’s why you rate him better..but he wouldn’t be able to keep up with ems consistency in selling records and staying relevant..PAC and big wouldn’t be poppin in today’s rap em and jay get GOAT by there names that’s it

  16. Joeycrack says:

    That’s like saying if 50 died right after get rich…
    We wouldn’t have seen the awful albums that were to come after it ..but based off that first album we woulda consider one of the best

  17. sean says:

    Biggie sucks anyway pac is the best. These white guys are rapping about what black ppl arent. They should be. And 50 Is the shit his subject matter just isnt whats poppin right now. I miss 03 04 team shady…

  18. BK James says:

    Slow fucking news day.

  19. Chan says:

    Terrence is so gay. He almost cried about the whole roxy and webbie incident. What a pussy. I’d hit his bitch ass if I saw him walking down the street.

  20. SOSOCHI says:

    Asher is fucking dope.

  21. saez says:

    Assner is a str8 Bottyboi, u beta ask sum1 asap ! Real talk.

  22. I'm smashin ur babymama says:

    wack ass rapper

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