1. ниггер says:

    а проф.съёмка будет

  2. PistolPistol says:

    ^What the?

  3. deez says:

    they even manage to make “making it rain” look awkward…yeah thats a record that yall should not perform besides from the fact that it is extremely wack, the annoying ass mr. porter swizz sound alike shit is too high in the backround, that annoying ass noise thats supposed to be a swizz noise, lmao yeah that shit makes the song even more unbearable..

  4. deez says:

    i still to this day have never enjoyed any of swizz beats produced songs except for party up…real talk.

  5. deez says:

    i will never understand y certain people are in this industry…remember rap radar, yall contributed to the downfall of hip hop by even posting some of the blasphemous shit that yall have, for example a kreayshawn song or tracklist or album cover wtvr the fuck, should NEVER b on this site…LOL

  6. wahrheitsgetreu says:

    ниггер says:
    Friday, August 10 2012 at 8:47 AM EST
    а проф.съёмка будет


  7. Black Shady says:

    making it rain? really? lol

  8. CJF says:

    joes like this corny as hell! hahaa

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