1. La Verdad says:

    You all realize that is NOT the Super Mario Bros. beat right?

  2. DJ Game says:

    So underrated. Definitely top 10!

  3. Morris Day Laugh says:

    @La Verdad….uhh u stupid

    But on another note, that….is how you rap.

  4. snow on that bluff says:

    i have a new found respect for black thought

  5. dmfslimm says:

    oh shit, thought..–Rakim

  6. DJ Semtex's Prothsetic says:

    haha that was pretty good

  7. JustMyOpinion says:

    @ snow on the bluff
    ^ except that wasnt Black Thought. Ha ha.

    And that my friends is what separate an MC from a rapper. The ability to rap about anything at anytime.

  8. CAlejo says:

    Better than half of you clowns!

  9. Leon Sandcastle says:

    Nice rap, but that’s not quite the Mario beat. Close enough though I guess

  10. creo says:

    Black thought top 5 lyricist of all time. Hov cnt even fuck wit black thought on the mc tip fuck money n dick riding. He tear ne body a new ass hole

  11. Mike says:

    That’s really awesome! – Mike Diggity

  12. K says:

    @ JustMyOpinion

    you stupid

  13. The Wise says:

    yall sound like baby bitches ….thats not the beat..waaaaaa ..how could u expect him to rap on that beat..of course they had to slow it down an change it a bit…anyways he killed deffinetly was dope!

  14. 93 till infinity says:

    Nothing compared to the original super mario rap by an underground artist named Benifit. This is dope but the original is classic…

  15. JustMyOpinion says:

    K says:
    Thursday, June 20 2013 at 6:28 PM EST
    @ JustMyOpinion

    you stupid

    ^ you missed the joke. I was going off of what Jimmy Fallon said “Tariq from the roots” as opposed to black thought from the roots. Damn lighten up things aren’t that serious. Maybe I had to explain the joke. Oh here goes (re-do) “except that wasn’t Black Thought……….that was Tariq.” Ha ha. Get it now? SMH

  16. PistolPistol says:

    Roots stay true it’s how we do in the illadelph.

  17. Peekay says:

    such a dope mc

  18. ironic says:

    Black Thought is a beast to a beast

  19. JRO says:

    Thought been dope. Proceed, Distortion to Static, Never Do, …….. if talent = $$$, BlackThought would be Warren Buffit while some of these new clowns would be homeless

  20. JustinTime says:

    Damn why he throw a shot at Luigi like that? lmao

  21. Rap Essence says:

    Black Thought is a monster.

  22. jus10 says:

    So amped up for the next album …&TYSYC

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