Bas Sold Out Concert At SOB’s

Hot Summer.

Dreamville’s Bas returned home last night for his sold out affair at the Sounds Of Brazil. Without any special guests, Bas performed cuts from Revenge Of The Dreamers, Truly Yours 2 and debut, Last Winter. If you couldn’t make it, above is a recap courtesy of EME.

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  1. SkillzOnSite says:

    I love the support. See, NYC shows love.

  2. The Incredible Creation says:

    looks like he could be Rick Ross’ son [in the face] anyway, dope that he sold it out and didn’t have any “special guests” …

  3. el jim chapo guzman says:

    Sold out what sob is a hole in the wall that shit doesn’t hold no more than 300 niggas.

    1. Idiot says:

      And who are you? Can you sell out anything that holds 300 people?

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        yeah nigga i sold out your mom’s pussy with no guest appearance

      2. Kevin Banks says:

        Come on man he got put on by J. Cole ofcourse he will sell more than 300 tickets

    2. Cmon Son says:

      Lmaooo I was about to say the same shit. Culture weird when niggas hyping “sold out shows” at SOB’s

  4. el jim chapo guzman says:

    that nigga ass

  5. MJ ANONYMOUS says:

    Looks like Ross but sounds like Drake.. the brain does not compute.

  6. Lisa Roland says:

    The rumour is true! Nicki Minaj and Drake se.x video leaked online. Peep my pr0file for link. Quick b4 they remove it.

  7. ma nigga drake be gettin his dick wet in nicki minaj on dat sex tape. i seen dat video he goes in hard niki got some fine ass pussy. dat video is fire brah. check my profile homies cop dat video b4 dem lock it off an delete it. 222 fa life

  8. The rumour is true! Nicki Minaj an Drake se.x tape released on the net. See my pr0file for link. Hurry before they delete it.

  9. Lisa Roland says:

    whore in my pictureee on here is jenna.. slagg fucked my best m8.. clicck on my profiile if you want see her pussy pic haha, fuck her 222

  10. Lisa Roland says:

    whore in my pictureee on here is jenna.. bitch had sex with my best m8.. clicck on my profiile if you wanna see her pussy pic haha, fuck her 888

  11. Lisa Roland says:

    whore in my pictureee on here is kerry.. slagg slept with my best m8.. clicck on my profiile if you wanna see her pussy pic haha, fk her 000

  12. Lisa Roland says:

    whore in my pictureee on here is jenna.. whore slept with my best m8.. clicck on my profiile if you wanna see her pussy pic haha, fk her 777

  13. Lisa Roland says:

    whore in my pictureee on here is jenna.. slagg had sex with my best m8.. clicck on my profiile if you want see her pussy pic haha, fk her 888

  14. Lisa Roland says:

    whore in my pictureee on here is jenna.. whore had sex with my best m8.. clicck on my profiile if you wanna see her pussy pic haha, fk her 555

  15. Lisa Roland says:

    whore in my pictureee on here is kerry.. whore fucked my best friend.. clicck on my profiile if you wanna see her pussy pic haha, fuck her 777

  16. Lisa Roland says:

    whore in my pictureee on here is kerry.. slagg had sex with my best mate.. clicck on my profiile if you want see her pussy pic haha, fk her 222

  17. Lisa Roland says:

    whore in my pictureee on here is amy.. whore had sex with my best friend.. clicck on my profiile if you want see her pussy pic haha, fuck her 666

  18. Lisa Roland says:

    whore in my pictureee on here is kerry.. whore slept with my best friend.. clicck on my profiile if you want see her pussy pic haha, fk her 111

  19. Lisa Roland says:

    whore in my pictureee on here is amy.. bitch had sex with my best m8.. clicck on my profiile if you want see her pussy pic haha, fuck her 555

  20. Lisa Roland says:

    whore in my pictureee on here is amy.. slagg slept with my best m8.. clicck on my profiile if you want see her pussy pic haha, fk her 222

  21. Lisa Roland says:

    whore in my pictureee on here is amy.. bitch had sex with my best mate.. clicck on my profiile if you want see her pussy pic haha, fuck her 111

  22. Lisa Roland says:

    whore in my pictureee on here is emily.. slagg slept with my best friend.. clicck on my profiile if you wanna see her pussy pic haha, fuck her 333

  23. Jenny Ellis says:

    whore in my pictureee on here is kerry.. whore had sex with my best m8.. clicck on my profiile if you want see her pussy pic haha, fuck her 111

  24. Jenny Ellis says:

    whore in my pictureee on here is jenna.. whore fucked my best m8.. clicck on my profiile if you wanna see her pussy pic haha, fuck her 777

  25. Kelly Locket says:

    whore in my pictureee on here is amy.. slagg had sex with my best m8.. clicck on my profiile if you wanna see her pussy pic haha, fuck her 000

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