New Music: Logic “Fade Away”

So Futuristic

Soon, Logic will be only two albums in. But on this self-produced knocker, he hopes to keep his time everlasting. The Incredible True Story drops November 13. Get your head start here.

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  1. KidCudder says:

    The 3 recent songs he’s released are pretty solid. This album is going to be good. Not much promotion going on though.

  2. Sonic says:

    Logic is just some fast rapping white boy. He can’t spit and his story has always been a fake and boring one to me. I don’t look forward to his sophomore album.

    1. Jaythekidkl says:

      Have you listened to all his music? His story isn’t fake either.

    2. Mike says:

      You’re a dumbass lol.

    3. thats racist, especially becuz he’s half black…? and you’ve been told this already, repeatedly.
      anyway idk why u even need to mention his skin color.

    4. Guest says:

      Gotta throw “white boy” in there huh? Has nothing to do with anything. Racist women like YOU are the problem! How do you expect racism to take a back seat when you’re just as racist? Double standard. Time to hang it up, Felicia #ByeFelicia #TrollingTheTrolls #SonicNeedsTheAttention

    5. Kingly_Caracter says:

      Your insecurity is showing. Annnnnnd he’s black. sooooooooooooo…

      1. Sonic says:

        I don’t give a fuck, if your skin is white you’re white.

        1. Kingly_Caracter says:

          Well… That escalated quickly.

  3. DTS says:

    This sounds like he took Kendrick Lamar’s ad-libs… Am I trippin?

  4. thedeamkid19 says:

    that choruse on the left side was trippy as fuck. nice

  5. TITS is gonna be dope af, cant wait.

    1. Skeem1 says:

      You lame for using that acronym

      1. Kris Kompute says:

        Actually, that’s great branding by Logic.

        1. Skeem1 says:

          Great branding?! Wow

          1. Kris Kompute says:

            Yes. People turn album titles into acronyms all the time. His acronym is an actual word instead of “IYRTITL”.
            So it stands out when you sheep are talking about his album in blogs.

            It’s the Information Age. Go read a business book sometimes.

          2. yessss says:

            No it is just 2010 and post rap fans care about their artist making waves on the internet rather than the vocal booth. That is retarded what you just said. You are only putting money where music is by branding it rather than taking it for what it is and trying to find whatever meaning on the tape aside from “look at that acronym by drake and his people they are so smart. Such good business sense” I give no fucks about an artists business sense I just care that I like the music. Logics music is ass and a direct copy of Kendrick. Fans like you are the reason rap sucks nowadays. Thanks bro

          3. Kris Kompute says:

            I literally couldn’t understand a word in that diatribe. You type like you survived an abortion.

      2. well, too bad lil nigga, that’s the acronym. u can close ur eyes if u dont wana read it; like when u were a little kid and weren’t allowed to look at TITS.

  6. Kris Kompute says:

    I say it every time, y’all gon get enough of sleeping on Logic. This album is fina slap.

    A bit too much Kendrick on this though.

    1. F*ck Drake says:

      I hate the Kendrick comparison

      but yeah, this album gonna go hard.

      1. Kris Kompute says:

        It’s not a comparison. He’s using his effects and mixing techniques.

        1. the repetitive “you you you youuuu” sounds like old Drake

      2. Ashley Wertz says:

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      3. yaaa says:

        Awww “I hate the kendrick comparison” hahahahahaha you only hate it because no one compares lines and lyrics between logic and Kendrick. They only talk about how much Logic is trying to sound like Kendrick. Logic is ass and a corny white boy who teenage women will think is hot and that is the reason they will purchase this album.

        The way that you talk about the man makes me think your in the same boat as these girls because the raps definitely aren’t there.

        1. Jaythekidkl says:

          …How many times do we have to tell you people that logic is black and white.

        2. F*ck Drake says:

          Almost everything has been said before so comparing lyrics is pointless. I just don’t see the style comparison.

          And i just said his album is gonna go hard lol

  7. IKEEPIT100 says:

    Logics fuckin gay only suburbian floriners are gonna bump this bullshit..he not intrestin an NOBODY cares that why theres nonmachine behind this. Fag

  8. GetReal says:

    im not the biggest logic fan but can y’all please shut the fuck up about him sounding like kendrick when he clearly fucking doesnt logic sounds like a nigga who took a rap course 101 and graduated valedictorian

  9. el jim chapo guzman says:

    Niggas on this comment section corny…logic is boring I had heard enough already

  10. Day to day, that’s the only way.

  11. DoughboyToad says:

    First album was near classic but the replay value suck hard he just don’t that IT Factor

    1. polopolo1 says:

      Nope Nope Nope, all classic albums have replay value, i dare say that is the meat and potatoes of what makes them classic.

      if it doesnt have replay value then it wasnt even close

      1. DoughboyToad says:

        Nah it was a 4.5/5 just like TPAB it is a good album classic as the people call it the replay value is also low as well I have to be in a certian mood to listen to it. Just because the replay its low doesn’t mean it can’t be a classic.

        1. polopolo1 says:

          yea but whats that really mean though, music is all about mood? I think D angelo’s album Black Messiah was phenomenal but i dont turn up to it, thats something i kick back at the house and listen to when im in a mellow mood.

          but ill have to disagree with you i think TPAB had great replay value

          1. yaa says:

            I haven’t even gotten through TPAB one time. Nor a whole track. I think I listened to a minute or two of each song and it was such a put off i stopped listening to the album. Horrid and a slap in the face to anyone who isn’t black and poor.

        2. F*ck Drake says:

          You could say the same for Nas’s Illmatic. Classic album but you never hear anyone say lets go bump some Nas.

  12. supreme says:

    the kid’s rhyme scheme dope on this but there’s just something about him that I can’t connect with? this pitched vocal samples on this record reminds me of Kendrick’s “No Make Up (Her Vice)”

    1. Kingly_Caracter says:

      Wurd. That’s his real voice tho btw…

  13. Dirkdadiggler says:

    I see ppl hate on this kidd, just to hate on em. His mixtapes be4 blowin up were fuckin dope, young sinatra, undeniable in particular . That tape is dope, also he’s got a nice following of fans, who fuck with em hard, he don’t need you mainstream fake fans to keep doing his thing. The ones hatin r probably all future, migos, young thug fans anyway. Listen to Set the tone,Dead Presidents III,No Biggie,disgusting, shit n these r all the first songs on that mixtape, the whole thing is a banger. Hes gonna enjoy success regardless, he just needs to do him , and not try to emulate cole. Kendrick, or drake.

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