New Video: Drake “When To Say When” + “Chicago Freestyle”

Marcy, son.

Drake drops another two-pack of new singles along with the accompanying visuals directed by Theo Skudra.

Over a sample of Bobby Glenn’s “Sounds Like a Love Song”, which was used on Jay-Z’s “Song Cry”, Drizzy recounts his wins on “When To Say When” while hitting various locations throughout New York City including a visit to Jacob the Jeweler, the Brooklyn Bridge, and Hov’s neighborhood, Marcy Projects.

Seguing into “Chicago Freestyle”, the 6 God returns home to Toronto where he showcases his $6.7 million mansion, The Embassy. Utilizing lyrics from Eminem’s “Superman”, Aubrey reflects on lessons from success to relationships inside his in-house studio, in the back of his custom-made Phantom, and at the Shoushin sushi bar. The Boy’s on the move.

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  1. El Jim chapo guzman says:

    That Chicago freestyle is hot.

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    That nigga had half of the NYPD out there with him.

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