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Rakim’s Album Of The Decade

[vodpod id=Groupvideo.4260592&w=425&h=350&] Rakim gives his pick of album of the decade to Billboard. Don’t get in the way of Ra’s opinion, it’s a good choice. Atypical, but good nonetheless.

No Release Date For Diddy

Puff told the Chicago Tribune last week there’s no departure time for his Last Train To Paris. “I don’t know the exact month,” Diddy said about the release date. “We’re going to have it come out when it’s ready. We’re bringing everything together, editing it down. We did 60 songs. Also, we’re figuring out what’s missing.” Um, a hit record? Str8nyc

Lil Wayne: The Nino Brown Story Pt. 2 (Preview)

[vodpod id=Groupvideo.4257941&w=425&h=350&fv=configParams%3Dinstance%253Dnews%2526id%253D1628606] DJ Scoob Doo teamed up with Lil Wayne again for the rapper’s DVD, The Nino Brown Story Pt. 2. The film a follow up to last year’s all access pass. Here, Weezy speaks on his formative years and quitting school after recieving two luxury vehicles. MTV