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Kanye West At Summerfest 2011

[vodpod id=Video.12049774&w=540&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26] The Marcus Amphitheater hosted Summerfest 2011 last night in Milwaukee. Kanye and Kid Cudi were some of the acts from the night and above is some footage from Kanye’s set. More songs after the cut. hhnm

Alicia Keys Piano & I Concert In NYC

[vodpod id=Video.12048375&w=425&h=350&fv=stillurl%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fpdl%252Estream%252Eaol%252Ecom%252Fpdlext%252Faol%252Fbrightcove%252Faol9%252F753371525001%252F753371525001%255F1030912842001%255Faliciabig%252Ejpg%253FpubId%253D753371525001%26amp%3Bplayerid%3D61371448001%26amp%3Bpublisherid%3D1612833736%26amp%3Bcodever%3D1%26amp%3Bvideoid%3D1028788290001] Last night, Ms. Keys performed at the Beacon Theatre in NYC as part of her Piano & I: A One Night Only Event With Alicia Keys. If you missed the special event, her full show is above. The 10th Anniversary of her debut album in stores now.