New Music: Rihanna x Eminem “Love The Way You Lie (Pt. 2)”

Here’s what we all been waiting for. The follow-up to Em and Ri Ri’s chart topper, which will be featured on Rihanna’s Loud. Sounds like Ms. Fenty and Mr. Mathers got another hit. We hear this version isn’t final. HD mixtape tagged for now. Somebody get Paul R on the phone!


UPDATE: That was quick, now with no tags via HHC.

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  1. Milk Man says:

    this chick is garbage

  2. Trevor says:

    Eminem’s verse is so it.

  3. Trevor says:

    @Milk Man

    Your Garbage, she has an amazing voice you fuckin idot.

  4. Sony Music Intern says:

    “I’ll pee on rihanna see i do what i wanna”

    YES U DO EMINEM ! lmao

  5. Sony Music Intern says:

    she has an amazing voice you fuckin idot.

    ^ yea if u like goats that yodel


  6. KING says:

    Why is this nigga Em so fucking angry all the time?

    He needs to calm his ass down.

    All that yelling and shit ain’t cool.

    He ain’t been the same since he sniffed Bruno’s balls, man.

  7. Keyanna says:

    Eminem should have been in here way more its his song and he sound super sexiii love the song but it needss more Marshall srry Rihanna 😀
    GREAT JOB EMINEM #teamshady

  8. SHADY says:

    This was amaaaaaaaaaazing!!!
    Pt. 2>>>>> Pt. 1

    although, the hook sounds EXACTLY the same as how she sanged it at the MTV music Awards.

  9. HOOD says:

    Angry Em = Good music

  10. SHADY says:

    that’s “Energy” and “emotion”.
    something you’ll never hear by listening & jacking off to lil wayne & rick ross, you hating ass cock sucker!!!
    btw, how many times are you gonna rewind that MTv clip!?

  11. Shzntt says:

    Eminem stay killin tracks he so damn consistent. and Rihanna sang beautifully, it’s a hit!

  12. dani says:

    i love it. and YES.. im one of the first to hear it. 😀

  13. LUCAS says:


  14. MUZIK says:

    its a good song! idk what the fuckk ri ri is saying on the verse but i like ems verse! lol. its better than the one with nicki i tell u that!

  15. 12reps says:

    dope. now for da finished version

  16. jenny says:

    i don’t really like the beat

  17. AggiePride says:

    it’s not bad pretty gud

  18. Doin it BIG says:

    Eminem tracks are so freakin hot!….rhianna actually sounded better on this one than she did on the first part

  19. PanicPrevention says:

    Meh not feeling this. Part one is much better, but they say its not the final version so im sure it will get better.

  20. dani says:

    and lemme also just say,… em, if u looking for a chick to push you into a coffee table, consider yourself pushed.

    ur sexy.
    i’ll push your ass down some stairs if you need me to.. lmao.

  21. Keyanna says:

    @KING your an asshole and you don’t know rap thats Ems style and its great Eminem is the best of the best the greatest rapper alive and the last great MC anyone who wants to challenge me lets go oh an Lil Wayne sucks sorry he is not a rapper but a corny person who tries to put two things together that rhyme and make a beat?
    I LOVE EMINEM THE GREATEST MC OF 2010, 2009, 2008 , 2007 , 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003 ,2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998

  22. ESCO says:

    Damn that Eminem verse although I gotta hear more times to see if it’s lyrically dope…is fucking powerful nonetheless.

    Who would have ever thought a Rihanna song had some substance to it?

    I would bet my life she didn’t write her own verse. Not a chance on the planet she could come up with that.

  23. #FreeWeezy says:


    He Don’t Neva Get No Pussy…..

    So He Always Stay Mad…..!


  24. TheRealShifty says:

    Eminems startin to sound the same on every song. Calm ur voice down boi! Or change ur flow up! U choose!

  25. Keyanna says:

    lol @Shady your so right

  26. Keyanna says:

    @#freewezy Lil Wayne needs to stay in jail and fuck you hater Eminem is the best and is the man at rapping

  27. That nigga Vader says:

    EMINEM! is all i have to say, and i aint even heard this shit

  28. they should have left it alone

    The Music Majors
    Music Production @ TheMusicMajors. com

  29. KING says:


    Your hero sniffed another niggas ass on live TV nigga.

    Your hero Married a crackwhore. Not once but twice.

    Your hero is a undercover racist, who hates black women but benefits from black culture.

    Your hero adopted the child of the man that his ex-wife was cheating on him with.

    Your hero Marshall is a loser.

    And you are too!!!!

  30. jack says:

    pretty fucking dope…eminem killed it. fuck all the haters

  31. freed says:

    king can eat a dick.

    em looks like the dudes in the jizz in my pants vid.

    rihanna can get it.

  32. Quake says:

    they should make a group

  33. Keyanna says:

    @KING you are a real ass Eminem one is not racist that shit is the dumbest thing i have every read that your ass some where if you don’t like Em why you listen to the song

  34. Bruno says:


    When Kim Left Him he call me up and told me to make him a 69 ball sandwich!!!!!!

    Ha !

  35. dmv says:

    this is be #1 by the end of the year no doubt

  36. ODM3TheTruth says:

    Stans and haters.. lol.

    Alright…. Eminem’s verse was pretty insane.

    I like it better than part 1. Overall, this was killed.

  37. Keyanna says:

    @ bruno haha funny u hater

  38. KING says:


    Feminem is a racist. Deal with it.

  39. Remi says:


    and you’re hero wishes he could be Eminem.

    Stay hating, it’s obvious there’s not much happyness in your lfie for you to channel your hate toward the artist of year….I wonder why.

    Dope song by the way, Em sounds like Snoop at the start.

  40. king is a gay fagget says:

    My name says it all 🙂

  41. Keyanna says:

    @KING No he is not Eminem hangs with black ppl 24/7 get real

  42. LUXX says:


    nigga get a life damn lol all u do is hate

  43. Keyanna says:

    @ Remi lol funny and you got that right



  45. Bruno says:

    Me, Eminem, and Elton John Had A 3Some 2 This Song The Other Night……

    My Dick Was In His Ass In The Whole Entire Song !!!!!!!!

    Thats Why He Was Mad In The Whole Song…..!

    My Dick Help Him Out In The Song Basically…..

    You Can Thank My Dick Later…….

  46. Peter says:

    what are the lyrics is she saying chrisbrown will always be her hero for bashing her up thats so true coz she is getting all this attention peoples sympathy i guess kanyewest is teylor swift hero too

  47. KING says:

    LOL @ Feminem not being a racist just because he hangs with black people 24/7.

    That is ridiculous as hell.

    He was hanging with black people while he was recording racist tapes during the “Racist Rap Hour” back in the day.

    Right under their nose and they ain’t find out till years later.

    I hope the rest of those tapes that he made back in the day leaks somehow, so we can hear some more of what Mr. Marshall had to say about black people.

  48. bigjay2501 says:

    dont care much for the original or this version…

  49. Truth says:

    Won’t be a hit. People are tired of this damn hook…

  50. ESCO says:

    @ King……yo Benzino is that you? lol, you really mad…get em’ boy keep trying, one day maybe you’ll convince us… day

    as for the song, heard it with no tags and i still am finding it funny rihanna expects us to believe she wrote her own verse, not a chaaaaaaaaaaaaance in hellllllllllll. eminem’s verse might a bit too powerful for this supposed ‘poppy and dancy’ album lol…….very good track, not better than pt.1 simply coz eminem has 1 verse compared to 3 before.

  51. H2H says:

    Alex Da Kid stay getting money this year. He produced both Love The Way You Lie’s, Airplanes, and a track for Last Train To Paris.

    All dope beats though.

  52. Android = Closet Stan says:

    It will be a hit, this much is obvious, tired of it or not, it will be a hit. Trusttttt me. Anytime you stick Eminem inside of Rhianna, they’re gonna create some hits aight lol.

  53. Keyanna says:

    @KING take ur Angry ass some where else the day the “racist RAPS’ come out made by eminem i will shot my self in the legs and kiss ur ass thats how much i believe in MR.Marshall

    @burno u gay fag only in your dreams and even then Em will walk out on your gay ass

  54. Drucifer says:

    @ KING

    If Repeating that story for the world to read in the source magazine didnt work for Benzino, what are you hoping to accomplish on saying the exact same thing nearly 10 years later??

    Serious Question

    Anyway, Em’s verse was dope, I actually like his verse in this better then all 3 in the original I think, Rhianna did what she’s expected to do, cant complain, decent……..

  55. bon says:

    my homie just keyed me into rihanna’s nude pics. shit somehow I never knew. pancakes tits or not I’m about to get it. time to fap. deuces 2dbz

  56. KIKI says:

    @drucifer much respect

  57. dpatrick says:

    em needs a second verse his was to short rihanna should have 2 and em should have 2

  58. The Truth says:

    This is good. But nothing mind blowing.

    There’s no way. Just no fucking way it could recreate the magic of the first part. But it’s a guaranteed hit for both of them. Now 12 year old dumb bitches will be all over this shit when they don’t know a fucking shit about relationships.

    PART 1 > PART 2

  59. KING says:

    I just love sucking dicks.
    I suck all size dicks, Don’t care if it’s big or small, Just put it in my face and I suck it.

  60. KING says:


    A few tapes are already out and Fem blocked the rest of the tapes from being released.

    Nobody’s gotten a hold of them yet, but if they do you will be shocked to find out that you have been supporting a undercover racist all along.



    I’m not trting to change your opinion on the nigga but why should we forget about this niggas racist content on them records?

    Niggas still bring up Rick Ross being a C.O., don’t they?

    Niggas still bring up Wayne kissing Baby, don’t they?

    Niggas diss rappers for wearing tight jeans and what not but are scared to talk about Marshall’s racist tapes.

    Fuck this racist, pill-popping, whore-loving, ball-licking, faggott.

  61. KING says:

    @keyanna u right eminem is the shiit i love that man best rapper ever

  62. Keyanna says:

    @king thats the first right thing you’ve said all night

  63. Mr Xclusive says:

    @Keyanna really? lets see you stop him from getting out you have 1 day faggot ass nigga

  64. ODM3TheTruth says:

    The Truth:

    Cosign. Cosign Cosign.

    The first one had this feeling.

    Eminem’s verse to me beat all three from the first. That energy was unrivaled.

  65. KING says:

    Em sucks penis lil wayne is the best

  66. KILLA DAWG says:

    Good. Next is Where I’m At.

    Bring it on SHADY. It’s your YEAR.

    Roman’s Revenge = 3/10
    Love The Way You Lie = 8/10
    Where I’m At Preview = ?


  67. KING says:

    I was kidding about all the shit I said before.
    Eminem is the best rapper alive and I’m actually a stan.

  68. truth says:

    i hope to god they change the hook.

  69. Keyanna says:

    @mr Xclusive wats the hell did you just type and stop wat from wat…… go back to skool to learn how to type English dumb ass nigga oh and I”M WHITE

  70. KING says:

    LOL @ these butt-hurt Stans on this post.

    Mad because I’m telling the truth about their Ball-Juice sniffing, Bastard idol Marshall.


  71. nicki says:

    1.i love how when someone doesnt like eminem they bring up those tapes from 15 years ago like move on clearly the dude only hangs with black people he clearly doesn’t hate them

    2.Also everyone bitches that hes gone soft but when he yells and goes hard yall say hes too angry

    3.Then when Jay Z and Kanye TI ect. do songs with Nicki/Rihanna/ B.O.B other pop stars they are dope but when Em does it he has sold out

    4.Em does the Nicki/Rihanna/Banks songs hes on” EVERY DAMN SONG” but wayne jumps on every song that is released every year he would prob jump on a country song if someone asked yet yall say Em is doin too much

    5. Yall wanna call Em a pop star but most of drakes album was R&B and pop. And kaynes 808 was the definition of auto tuned pop music. And let me not even get started with waynes rebirth album.

    i mean damn the dude cant win

  72. KING says:

    Eminem a racist!!!!

  73. Mr Xclusive says:

    @Keyanna can you not read dumbfuck? you have 1 day to keep lil wayne in jail he gets out thursday …you said he keep him there ….so why don’t you do it???? dumbass cracker

  74. Keyanna says:

    @king you suck balls and I”m the biggest died heart Eminem FAN EVERY
    HEll MY e-MAil is

  75. rap says:

    wow it was good! dope verse but need to hear the final version

  76. KING says:

    Feminem married a whore, then re-married her and adopted the child that she had with the nigga that she cheated on him with.

    Then divorced her and she left this nigga with another niggas kid.


    Talk about an Epic Loss…..

  77. Moby says:

    @KING you a motherfucking closet stan nigga. Em is a beast and he stays winning, just get the fuck outta here with that faggot shit. Marshall is your favourite rapper’s favourite rapper, so shut the fuck up faggot. U probly bump Lil B who is certified homosexual, bitch

  78. Keyanna says:

    @ MR Xclusice bitch i hate Lil WAYNE i wish he would stay in jail forevr the dumbass nigga going to get out the fucking get high off of cough syrup and go right back to jail i give him one fuckin week hell three days nigga going right back. EMINEM IS BEAST LIL WAYNE SUCKS BALLS SRRY THATS THE FUCKIN TRUTH

  79. KING says:

    Feminem lets niggas dress up like angels and drop down from up above and sit their balls on his face.

    What a faggott!!!!

  80. Keyanna says:

    @Moby your so right he is in love with Eminem

  81. King says:

    @moby i love eminem you so right i lovew that nigga to death be mine eminem idk how to show my feeling i’m a hugh STAN

  82. Moby says:

    @ KING, damn, tell your momma she raised a closet faggot. go on, tell her.

  83. KING says:

    Feminem likes to bathe in dildos and wear dick-flavored chapstick……

  84. KING says:

    …and that’s why I would love to suck him off.

  85. Haters are annoying--> Android, Mac Weasel, and others says:


  86. nicki says:

    @Mr Xclusive

    ok so u say “dumbass cracker” thats some racist shit what if u got famous and everyone brought that one comment up all the time when im guessing (but i could be wrong) u dont actually hate every white person that would be annoying yall wont let what Em said a long ass time ago go. Everyone has said fucked up shit about certain people at some point in there lives.

  87. Keyanna says:

    Fuck all you haters
    #team shady i’m STAN and so are you @king just tell the truth

  88. KING says:

    man whatever keyanna, So what if I am? Look, I like his music partially, I just have my Opinions!!!

  89. KING says:

    Whats with all my impostors?!! Get off me!!

  90. Keyanna says:

    Alright @king watever just leave eminem alone what the fuck has he done to you i fucking love that man best rapper ever
    @nicki gud point

  91. KING says:

    We all got opinions!! I do think Em>Wayne, and had a better album this year, but I got OPINIONS!!!! AND THEY MATTER!!!

  92. Keyanna says:

    @king Eminem album has always been better then Wizzy

  93. KING IS A BITCH says:


  94. ronnie_moe says:

    Are niggas really arguing with anonymous niggas B? SMH. Anyway, sounds pretty cool. I kind of like the original one a little better, though.

  95. KING says:

    OK then we got a common ground! you see, you just needed to get to know me better, im a pretty nice guy you know!

  96. KING says:

    @read my name, READ DIZ NUTZZ

  97. Keyanna says:

    @KING lol ok wat eva

  98. KING IS A BITCH says:

    #read my name FUck you king i hate fuckin eminem haters srry

  99. alldope795 says:

    you kno wat i miss? those badass BEEF records eminem would do when dissing half the world! remember those JA RULE disses, or benzino, insane clown posse. hahah
    they were badass xP
    hopefully he gets into sum beef with someone. not saying that his music now isnt good,
    b/c it IS!
    im just saying.
    dont ya think?
    anyway..this song wasnt too great. EM’s part could have been longer, or…idk =/

  100. KING says:

    mayne whateva, Can’t go nowhere without my name in it.. Get off you female stanley, I already said EMINEM & J.COLE better than WAYNE & his baggage Drake

  101. Keyanna says:

    @KING lol i like your comment for once

  102. KING IS A BITCH says:

    #Read MY Name

  103. jafjkd says:

    Shits crazy love the mean em

  104. Keyanna says:

    @read my name if you cann’t read i fuckinn love eminem so go fuck your self i’m proud female STAN too #teamshady 24/7

  105. ESCO says:

    yeah when eminem is beefing, hip hop is entertaining to the fullest. because eminem’s momentum gathers the whole industry with him.

    plus when eminem is angry and motivated, he’s literally untouchable.

    that mariah carey diss last year ‘the warning’ is so fucking vicious its uncomfortable yet so entertaining to listen to.

  106. KING says:

    #readmyname man, who ever you are, get of forreal son and get a hobby instead of jerkin to drakes no chin, r&b pop singing nutzz #READ DIZZ NUTZZZ

  107. Keyanna says:

    I have to agree with you to a degree lets let Em get this year over with then he can start beefing with Lil Wayne lol

  108. smokeyou says:

    definitely feelin this song. much respect to both eminem and rihanna for bringing light to a fucked up situation a lot of us have been in. peace

  109. Stephen says:


    EM IS FUCKING KING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  110. KING IS A BITCH says:

    #Read MY Name


  111. KING IS A BITCH says:

    #read my name @king you want #DEZZZZ NUTZZZZ

  112. Black Shady says:

    another #1 record. JUST WATCH

  113. Keyanna says:



  114. Keyanna says:


  115. Keyanna says:

    @king the one i just wrote was not to you i was so use to writing mean things at u lol @king you kool

  116. Dominic says:

    Very Good from Eminem… will take this verse over the other three from the original.

  117. Sirehi says:

    This King character is getting out hand, TEAM SHADY!!

  118. LUCAS says:


  119. KING says:

    No prob @Keyanna, you cool too

  120. KING says:


  121. KING I LOVE YOU says:



  122. Sirehi says:

    Not a Problem, gimme the time and location..

  123. KING says:

    @Sirehi, You need help bruh, like forreal

  124. Keyanna says:

    I LOVE EMINEM PART I THINK I LISTEN TO IT 1,000,000 times already lol and evrybodi lets leave @king alone comment about the song and sexiii EMINEM

  125. KING says:


  126. I.S.A.A.C. says:

    I love the verses, the hook i much weaker and rihanna’s voice sounds uncomfortable in that range with harmony and engineering help. No diss to her tho cuz she kills it in the lower range.

    Em did great but nothing special for him. For those saying he sounds the same- yeah….. this type of song calls for that type of verse. Recovery was really diverse tho so don’t label him in one lane because of some radio tracks.

    The original was better only because this one was poorly executed from a production stand point.

  127. Keyanna says:

    EMINEM STARTS RAPPING @ 3:13 lol sexiiii

  128. MAYHEM says:

    The 30 second preview of WHERE I’M AT shits all over this song. Which is extremely sad.


  129. KING says:

    @Keyanna, Thank you, theres one good chick on this site

  130. Keyanna says:

    @MAYHEM it shits allover Rhianna part Ems part was kill

  131. Keyanna says:

    @KING 😀


  132. KING IS A BITCH says:


  133. alex says:


  134. Keyanna says:

    #Read my name wat is up with you are you sexually frustrated and you emotional messed up you need help okiee fing the closes place to get laid and you’ll come back a happi person oh and pull the dick out your ass and get a piece of pussy u fag

  135. Keyanna says:

    @alex your right i love Ems part Rhianna could and should have done way better

  136. KING IS A BITCH says:

    #readmyname @king got nothing to say lil bitch READ MY NAME I KNEW IT PUCK ASS NIGGA

  137. KING says:

    Whos got the Lyrics to EM’s part?

  138. KING IS A BITCH says:


  139. Keyanna says:

    @king and #teamshady
    This morning, you wake, a sunray hits your face
    smeared makeup as we lay in the wake of destruction
    hush baby, speak softly, tell me I’ll be sorry
    that you pushed me into the coffee table last night
    so I can push you off me
    try and touch me so I can scream at you not to touch me
    run out the room and I’ll follow you like a lost puppy
    baby, without you, I’m nothing, I’m so lost, hug me
    then tell me how ugly I am, but that you’ll always love me
    then after that, shove me, in the aftermath of the
    destructive path that we’re on, two psychopaths but we
    know that no matter how many knives we put in each other’s backs
    that we’ll have each other’s backs, ’cause we’re that lucky
    together, we move mountains, let’s not make mountains out of molehills,
    you hit me twice, yeah, but who’s countin’?
    I may have hit you three times, I’m startin’ to lose count
    but together, we’ll live forever, we found the youth fountain
    our love is crazy, we’re nuts, but I refused counsellin’
    this house is too huge, if you move out I’ll burn all two thousand
    square feet of it to the ground, ain’t shit you can do about it
    with you I’m in my f-ckin’ mind, without you, I’m out it

  140. Stephen says:

    It’s morning, you wake a sunray hit your face
    Smeared makeup as we lay in the wake of destruction
    Hush baby, speak softly
    Tell me your awfully sorry that you pushed me into the coffee table last night so I can push you off me
    Try and touch me so I can scream at you not to touch me
    Run out the room and I’ll follow you like a lost puppy
    Baby without you I’m nothing
    I’m so lost, hug me then tell me how ugly I am
    But that you’ll always love me
    Then after that, shove me
    In the aftermath of the
    Destructive path that we’re on, two psychopath’s but we
    Know that no matter how many nouns we put into eachother’s back’s that we’ll have eachother’s back’s
    Cause we’re that lucky
    Together we move mountains
    Let’s not make mountains out of mole-hills
    You hit me twice, yeah, but who’s counting?
    I may have hit you 3 times, I’m starting to lose count but together
    We’ll live forever
    We’ve found the youth fountain of love
    It’s crazy — we’re nuts
    But I refuse counseling
    This house is too huge, if you move out I’ll burn all 2,000
    Square-feet of it into the ground, and shit you can do about it
    ‘Cause with you I’m in my fucking mind, without you I’m out it

  141. bstep says:

    Hey king you gotta stop with the racist comments dude, get over it. Eminem is in no way a racist. yeah there was a song released where he was goin’ in on “black girls” back in the soul intent days when he was a fuckin teenager because he had just been dumped by a black girlfriend. As you know eminem has always been one to release his emotions in song, and this wasnt any different. He was singling out a particular girl not an entire race. If eminem was a closet racist he would not have been able to get to where he has gotten in his career, he would have been shunned a long time ago. If i had to guess i’d say the majority of the people that are important to him in his life are black. You need to quit the ignorance and hatin’ especially when youre one of the first mothafuckas commenting on his shit when it comes out.. keep talkin about closet racist, maybe you’re jsut a closet Stan.. Smh

  142. Keyanna says:

    @Bstep your late srry

  143. Keyanna says:



  144. KING IS A BITCH says:


  145. Keyanna says:


  146. Keyanna says:

    #readmyname suck a dick and go some where i thought u said u where out????

    #teamshady FEMALE STAN AND…..

  147. KING I LOVE YOU says:


  148. Keyanna says:

    i love the part when EM was like “run out the room and I’ll follow you like a lost puppy
    baby, without you, I’m nothing, I’m so lost, hug me
    then tell me how ugly I am, but that you’ll always love me
    then after that”

  149. KING says:

    @Bstep What Keyanna said

  150. bstep says:

    king just letting you know man

  151. KING says:

    @Keyanna and @Bstep ya’ll gotta understand that wasn’t me earlier, some lamo tryin to jock copy me.

  152. Keyanna says:

    @king thats what i realized lol you seem kinda nice so i gave you a chance lol
    LIKE EMs Lyrics ????

  153. bstep says:

    king we kool man but on real shitzzz Em love black ppl i mean look at who he hang with and proof is like is # one man

  154. Keyanna says:

    @Bstep correct lol proof was and always wil be Ems dude


  155. B says:

    Wow you all ruined this thread but I will put in my input. Haters going to hate, but on some real shit, this track is insanely sincere, honest, accurate, and well done.

    I don’t know much about Rihanna but having her do two verses brings in a stronger side of the abusive relationship story and having em finish is perfect. Sure I would like to hear more than one verse from him but I think its because he kills that verse so bad…you should want to hear more, but him giving two verses may of been too much since he already went in on 3 for his own album.

    The track is powerful, nobody in the game right now has been more honest, emotional, and strong in delivery and rhyme scheme then em. The way he “One Mics” his verse from soft to loud and back again makes this amazingly powerful and well delivered.

    Peace Fellas, quit hating, all you’re doing is bringing everyone down, including yourselves…there’s a lot of good shit out there that you’re not going to appreciate sitting on your comps and hating on a great track.

  156. Keyanna says:


    AND IF ANY ONE WANTS TO follow me on twitter i’m!/xxxRecoveryxxx

  157. […] the way you lie part 2 Rap Radar :: New Music: Rihanna x Eminem “Love The Way You Lie (Pt. 2)” __________________ They say good things come to those who wait?! okay so imma be at least about […]

  158. Cudder says:

    wow all these stans
    definitely not a great verse from Em. Corny as hell. Meh the first one sucked to.
    Not hatin just stating my opinion. coming from a fan of Em to. Where did most of these people come from anyway? sont post unless they see a Eminem song i guess

  159. Haters says:

    Why is it that any Eminem Supporter feels the need to diss on Jay Z or Kanye.. face facts Eminem aint on Jay z’s level, He sell more but aint no better well rounded rap artist since the history of Rap like Jay z…

    As far as it gos Eminem is dope, but you cant major him with Jay Z, him with Kanye maybe, Him with 50cent maybe, Him with Canibas, maybe… When you talk Jay Z, you talk Nas, BIG, Tupac, not Eminem.

    The best Eminem records are him dissing kim, him talking about hailey and him dissing Mariah Carey, the best Jay Z hits are …well every song in his album, and he talks about his hustle. take Eminem’s Catalogue, then take Jay Z’s and put them next to each other and you will see, Jay Z performs for over 2 hours, Eminem cant, Eminem cant be what Jay Z is, Jay z is to the rap nation what Martin Luther King was to the Black movement…

    I am not saying Jay Z is the best, but your best rapper want to be compared to him, all rappers have referenced him to their statue and he aint never done that since his last line on “Where I’m from”… even Eminem says when I die I wannat stand next to Jay Z on one of the songs of the Encore album not sure if its Mosh or Yellow Brick Road…

    Eminem will never make Reasonable doubt, Life and times(Hard Knock life), Blueprint, Black album, American Gangster , he just cant, ever ever… these are not just albums that took years to make like his come back, these are album recorded in under 4 weeks…

    Eminem has the scratches in his voice, the anger and the way tochange his voice that make him sound like he is good, but we all know if you read the lyrics of Renegade you get the aaahhh huhhh moments from Jay z’s rhymes than Eminem, the same when you listen to Forever with Drake, Lil Wayne and Kanye, Kanye’s verse gives you the huh ohhh Eminem is just the delivery…

    Get of the illuminati, get off the fact Jay Z is rich, get of everything and just put his music, stop the “if BIG or Tupac was alive” line, it is getting old. I doubt you ever go if so and so was alive I wouldnt be making it in life, we all live our lives whether someone dies or lives…

    The same with the Nicki Minaj and Lil Kim comparisons, get off them, Lil Kim has hits for concerts, Nicki just has the booty for a call… you dont do that, you cant compare Rihanna with Beyonce, you cant compare anyone with Mary J Blige or Mariah Carey or Sade or Celine Dion, you cant compare any rnb artist with R Kelly, the latest ones cant be compared to Usher, you cant compare any artist to MJ, their catalogue, irrespective of number of sales or who they appeal to, they are legends…

    Jay Z era didnt have us buying more albums, reasons are way easy, when Jay Z and Tupac and BIG or Nas came out, most black people didnt work, the whole hood would have one cd, one radio, sit on the corner and bump their music, Eminem came when Whites already were buying music, even when Emine does a bad album, whites buy it, over millions, to date black people will buy, but they rapper copy it to save money… Jay Z stories make you think wow I can be that dude people will reference to, I dont think Kill you, Bitch please, Puke, Bangpipes to bangdad, 25 to life etc are songs that make you think I can be that dude… Out of Eminem’s albums, there are less that 10 songs that depict life, make you say wow I need to work hard, only time he wrote to inspire was when he did the 8 mile soundtrack… between his 8 mile song and 8 mile running by Jay Z, Jay Z makes you wake up and hustle…

    Rap was started on drugs and dirty hoods,Eminem just a trailer park.I rest my case

  160. KanyeSmug says:

    @haters DIDN’T MEAN TO CAP YOUR ASS but you a fucking idiota. It’s Nas Em Big Pac and Jay Z in no particular order. And it’s 3 Stacks and it’s Kanye and Kid Cudi *just kidding* Like whites weren’t and still ain’t buying the majority of rap since it’s inception. I forgot. Slim is White that’s his Edge if that’s the case then some1 should tell Cage and Asher Roth to wise up and take advantage of that shit.

  161. @haters says:

    Give me a break dude, Eminem is compared with all the greats of rap simply because he is one of the best. You’re clearly decently racist, and rap.

    Sure rap as you know it started w “drugs and the hoods” not trailer parks, but before that it was Jazz and Soul music that found itself in NYC block parties in the 70s…nobody was rapping about drugs and the hood then, but now that they do you can call that rap but not what eminem does?

    Simply put, the game is ever evolving and Eminem has brought more people into the spectrum of rap than anyone before him, that is just a fact. Jay Z and other can thank Em (and often do) for their record sales, as without him they wouldn’t have reached white suburbia (who by more records than anyone else in the US)….again fact.

    You talk about Jay z’s classic album Reasonable Doubt and then some of his good to great ones, but you fail to mention his complete flops in Kingdom Come, BluePrint 2, In My Lifetime Vol 1. Give me a break, every rapper has their down moments, and the only real Classic from Jay is Reasonable Doubt, I would say Blueprint is his next most complete album.

    You talk about em mentioning jay-z on Encore as some sort of proof, on a star is born Jay-Z talks about the very track you try to avoid with your uh huh moments of Jay Z (cause you know how this argument goes). In “A Star is Born” Jay Z seems WAY more flattering then what you quoted “Wayne did a mill, 50 did a Mill/ Ye too, but what em did was Silly/ the white boy blossomed after Dre endorsed him/ his flow on renegade, fucking awesome, applaud him”

    Maybe you should take advice of your boy there…

    You say less than 10 songs depict life on Eminem tracks? A lot of people struggle with drugs man, a lot of people need help up, you dont think De Ja Vu touches them? Drinking a beer, watching the game, then all of a sudden things get out of control? You dont find that real? You don’t think “Beautiful” means something to the city of detroit? You don’t think Not Afraid touches people?

    Or Love the Way you Lie doesnt depict a abusive relationship, or a love hate relationship? Have you ever been in one of those? That’s not talking to people?

    Stan, Going through Changes, Brain Damage, Guilty Conscious, Yellow Brick Road, Toy Soldiers, are story songs only Jay’s idol could do better…Jay certainly hasn’t showed that he can.

    The Marshall Mathers LP changed rap forever, and brought it to suburbia, The Eminem Show showed a complete EMcee.

    I’ll leave you with a little Marshall Mathers LP, tell me it doesn’t give you that uh huh moment and we will just agree to disagree:

    That’s why we sing for these kids, who don’t have a thing
    Except for a dream, and a fuckin’ rap magazine
    Who post pin-up pictures on their walls all day long
    Idolize they favorite rappers and know all they songs
    Or for anyone who’s ever been through shit in their lives
    Till they sit and they cry at night wishin’ they’d die
    Till they throw on a rap record and they sit, and they vibe
    We’re nothin’ to you but we’re the fuckin’ shit in they eyes
    That’s why we seize the moment try to freeze it and own it, squeeze it and
    hold it
    Cause we consider these minutes golden
    And maybe they’ll admit it when we’re gone
    Just let our spirits live on, through our lyrics that you hear in our
    songs and we can…

  162. MrWhite340 says:

    here is a good video with lyric highlighting for those who want to practice em’s verse so you can attempt to impress your lady friend

    my 2nd attempt at a video, what you think?

  163. @haters says:

    sorry should of said “Eminem Show” Sing for the moment that is.

  164. K!LLm@tic says:

    Ems verse was dope, but Rihannas verses weren’t that special. It’s an alright song, and it’s probably not going to be a hit.

    Part 1 > Part 2

  165. Haters says:

    Nice responses and no I dont stan, You both make valid points, to Kanyeshrug dude, talent plus good A&R can place you better than colour, remember Vanilla Ice, you can go all the way, at the above response, you are right they thank Em for the sales and its obvious why, Bcause whites support whites, they were able to open up to rap thus now they can listen to all rapper, well not all…

    2 I am way to black to be racist, I state facts, people will say Em sold more than Jay Z, Jay was being bought in one hood mentality, Em in both, Dre’s cosign made him acceptable in the black hoods whilst whites were just happy to have one of theirs in the hip hop genre, you say Jay z classic is Reasonable doubt, well that is because the media says so, Are you telling me Blueprint 2 was a bad album, give me a reason, you can take both discs and select 18 tracks and put them on one cd and have a classic, Blueprint two was an experiemental album, it has songs for days, out of the double disc you might skip 4 songs.. Kingdom come is one of his best albums, the only difference is he was staying away from drug talks, I understand why, He is growing, drugs were many years ago but the mentality of rap supporters is that if you dont say drug, you sold out, if you dont say killed, you sold out etc, you have Lil Wayne, TI going to jail so they can act hard and look hard, the image hip hop has is bad because it says dont be clean.
    Jay Z has great music, come on Big Pimping should have reached number one if it was released recently, Hard knock life, lucky me, you must love me, and many more, the difference is, then Hip hop wasnt that accepted, you are right Em first album was good, I remember when I bought Eminem show as well, man I had that playing for days, name other albums that you can listen too, from his for days… watch or go to his concert, you will see the difference, the whole body of artwork between the two is just far apart. influence in terms of rap’s acceptence to whites is the only reason Em gets mentioned with Jay Z, Nas, BIG or Pac… and a star is born is about bigging up all stars, the same song Jay z says im the blueprint and he is… aint nobody deny that he is the king, the best… type king of rap or hip hop, Jay Z will come up over 20 times before any rapper, any debate about hip hop’s best has Jay Z being compared to someone… I will say Eminem did his part, as far as good Hip hop goes, he is right limited to Jay Z, Nas or Tupac and BIG… when rap didnt much respect from people, Jay Z had that respect from them…
    Eminem is great dont get me wrong, MC Hammer is great, Vanilla Ice is great…I rest my case

  166. ts5000 says:

    it sounds the same as the original but with a different beat and with only one eminem verse
    i thought it would have a new hook

  167. KJ says:

    B says:
    Wednesday, November 03 2010 at 1:42 AM EST
    Wow you all ruined this thread but I will put in my input. Haters going to hate, but on some real shit, this track is insanely sincere, honest, accurate, and well done.

    I don’t know much about Rihanna but having her do two verses brings in a stronger side of the abusive relationship story and having em finish is perfect. Sure I would like to hear more than one verse from him but I think its because he kills that verse so bad…you should want to hear more, but him giving two verses may of been too much since he already went in on 3 for his own album.

    The track is powerful, nobody in the game right now has been more honest, emotional, and strong in delivery and rhyme scheme then em. The way he “One Mics” his verse from soft to loud and back again makes this amazingly powerful and well delivered.

    Peace Fellas, quit hating, all you’re doing is bringing everyone down, including yourselves…there’s a lot of good shit out there that you’re not going to appreciate sitting on your comps and hating on a great track.


    Real muthafuckin’ talk. We’ve been blessed with a lot of good tracks this year… enjoy them. And this one is raw as fuck, especially Em’s verse.

  168. yeah says:

    This sux. Part one was way better.

  169. matthew says:


  170. brrrr says:

    all you fake pussy wankstas are just jealous that a white man is dominating a black mans game.

  171. lyrykal says:

    dis is better than the original 1….. is it just me or is eminem screaming on every song? but its okay cuz its all white

  172. Haters says:

    Well, he is screaming and angry… but like you said, when its all white… its all good

  173. SERIOUSLY says:

    If you examine how Em puts words together you’ll see why he’s Top 10 alive.

  174. niggers says:

    Ha! I’m laughing at the fools on RapRadar who think their opinions actually matter.

  175. Fuck america says:

    EM killed it
    Eminem ft banks = dope

  176. llll says:

    And as Cudi said “And if they hate i let them, who give a fuuuuuuuuuck”

  177. KING says:

    ok all this time i didnt listen to the song.. but now i did! and OMG OMG OMG OMGGG i lovee itttt OMG OMG OMGGG

  178. Djordeh says:

    the hook is getting annoying but eminems part is pretty awesome

  179. lol wut? says:

    This schtick with Em being angry and fighting back is getting boring. Time to switch it up again Em.

  180. Lil Majer The Cartune says:

    No hate, I’m one of Em’s biggest fans, his verse was dope, but his vocals didn’t really mix well with the song… Could possibly be an unmastered version. But I just thought I would note that! Great song though!

  181. MoonMen says:

    Strong verse from EM.Good song

  182. che-el-pibe says:

    this shit is ill ems madness n ri ris softness comvine perfect

  183. playback says:

    too much rihanna … marshalls verse is crazy = nice track

  184. Baby of Stan says:

    As Stan Junior I am displeased. Sounds too much like the original. Atleast they shud have switched the hook. Ems rhymes on this sounds repeated, good, but repeated. In all honesty they shud have just kept a classic a classic and not add any sequels. Feel me.


    Baby of Stan (I survived bitches!!!!)

  185. Word says:

    The song was cool. Em’s verse was cool.


    You typing those huge block of words isn’t gonna benefit you on the long run, trust me. Jay is cool, so is Em, and Nas, Pac, Big, Rakim. They all dope. You tryna seperate them in Tiers but does it matter? A dope artist is a dope artist, and everything you said is YOUR opinion. Stop tryna pass it off as fact.

  186. Uhhh says:

    King, for you to hate the man so much you sure do know a lot about him. Perhaps you are the one wishing you could put yout face in another mans ass. We all know you aint get no pussy. You dont gotta like the song. But to say em hates black women isnt exactly accurate and heres why. What color is rhianna? What abouy nicki? Those are some different lookin white bitches. You faggot

  187. mac DIESEL says:



  188. MinajBangher! says:

    @KING !You sound like your just on Ems nutsack homey!Get over yourself and bow to the G.O.A.T!!!!Like i said before and i willsay it again,hate is a great form of flattery…the more you haters hate the more it proves how great Em is!You can only hate what you don’t understand and thats GREATNESS in the case of Em!He kills this feature and every other track he gets on…..2010=The year of the Greatest comeback in music history!The return of the Goat=EMINEM!!!!Fucking haters can eat a dick…..

  189. Bangers N Mash says:

    @KING Keep spendin your time commenting on Em’s post. Once is alright, but you take up the whole first 2 pages.

    Sorry ass fagget, I feel for ya man.

  190. mac DIESEL says:




  191. nicki says:

    Why cant there be and eminem post without everyone discussing his race like damn were all aware he is white time to move on.

  192. mac DIESEL says:



  193. Toya says:

    This song is good but the original is better. The original song makes it sound like both parties are to blame for the vicious circe; like they fight just to make up. This one seems to blame the guy for being insecure and the girl is simply the innocent party.

  194. ESDEE says:


  195. anyu89 says:

    chills when eminem comes in. raw emotion. amazing.

  196. Lol says:

    I Love how people talk about em “yelling”…there’s always some reason to try to hate on the white boy. However all their favorite rappers can’t wait to get on a track with him just to up their game and cd sales.

    Is he screaming on “Going Through Changes” or “No Love” or “Spacebound” etc etc etc…nah you all are just hating a guy who is rapping at his peak and delivering w fiery emotion. Maybe your favorite rapper should switch it up from constantly talking about how awesome he is and how many chains he has or bitches he fucks. Maybe 90% of these guys should learn to craft a story like Eminem does better than anyone in the game right now. Like Tupac and Big used to do. Maybe they should learn to talk to their fans like Em does, maybe uplift them every once in awhile. Instead of thinking hits are saying cheers to the assholes…

  197. nicki says:

    @Lol AMEN couldnt have said it better myself

  198. dan says:

    Eminem made this song! he needs to be init more!!! LOVE U EM!

  199. Don Dodda says:

    Isn’t anyone still wondering what the mind that brought classics like “I’m Back” and “Just Don’t Give a Fuck” is doing with all these artists? I understand some people see it as a progression in his career but to me, honestly, Em + Rihanna (or Pink or whatever hot 25 you want to throw on a track with him) = a sellout

  200. BUXDAGREAT says:

    wow…cant ppl still tryna talk about that foolish pride record he made when he got dump by a black girl when he was like 15…….yall sound like benzino smh

  201. BUXDAGREAT says:

    wow n how eminem is a sell out……. becuz he is talking about positive shit n real life probelms.. with other artists popular artists n happens to be air play?…. get da fuck out of here widd dat shit……. call him a sell out when hes talking bout cars bitches weed and alcohol… if yall want a definition of a sell out….. look at Flo-rida

  202. ZoomZoom says:


  203. So Icy Boi! says:

    Eminem is what is wrong wit hiphop ..when will he retire again ? this the stuff Erykah Badu was talkin about …this sound jus like the first one it mite az well be a remix instead of pt2

  204. Rachael5922 says:

    uhh so is Rhianna Eminem and Eminem Rhianna? Cuz Rhianna being Eminem says, He really doesn’t give a fuck, and Eminem being Rhianna is like IM GOING TO FOLLOW YOU ALL DAY EVERYDAY…i don’t get it like normal. but on the brighter side of things, i have a plan 😉

  205. DJ says:

    em’s a racist?

    @king you just remind me of someone who just likes to find excuses and cause arguments based on pulling the same old race card

    just shut up. em’s a loser but he’s making millions. your probably pumping gas

    Eminem for President

  206. run this town! says:

    rick ross muic is better than eminem at the moment, but eminem is the better rapper all round, but id rather bump rozay anyday, lets gooo

  207. Carlo Lucchesi says:

    Eminem – the greatest .

  208. A million things run thru my mind says:

    em flow sounding repetitive and the track is courney!


  209. yesssir says:


    1. Eminem is too soft when he released Encore and Relapse. he’s lost his edge.
    2. He releases recovery and is featured on multiple hit records, where he raps circles around everyone else…but he is too damn angry and needs to chill out.


  210. killyou says:

    Em kills this. Yall stay hating

  211. haha! americans says:

    im going to c eminem in brazil!!! front row!!!!! we r going to show him the fine chicks we have!!

  212. KING says:

    EMINEM is the GOAT.

  213. Keyanna says:

    I LOVED THIS SONG SO MUCH AND @ALL the haters Eminem is the best better then Wizzy, Jay, Rick, Drake, and every other rapper eminem best of 1998-2010
    #teamshady Female stan

  214. Itz Yourz says:

    Sounds like the the first one. It should just be the extended version, not part 2.

    And shoutout to rapradar for knowing the formula to keep your website popping. Throw up anything about Eminem and they will come.

  215. the hurricane says:

    @ Haters

    You can’t be comparing Eminem to Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer. Because in your theory, that would be like comparing Beanie Sigel or Joe Budden to Jay-Z!
    And i WOULD rest my case,
    But some stuff you said was just really ignorant. There are alot of black racists, there are alot of white racists, there are alot of hispanic racists. What “@Haters” was saying was how Jay and other rappers can thank Eminem, because maybe those suburbans DID single out eminem as the who-to-buy, but Eminem planted the seed for them. Eminem probably planted the seed for nearly 30 people i know who like Jay-Z now, and are all white ( i live in connecticut ). I was first influenced by Big Pun, but you get the idea. Without Eminem, alot of these kids wouldnt be introduced to Jay-Z, 50, and even Pac & Big, theyd just think of hip hop as some dumb music, Eminem changed that ( And obviously he had to be SOMETHING, or hed just be sitting with Vanilla Ice ). Eminem has put out many classics too, Jay-Z put out far more records than Em, but Em makes up for it by establishing IMO many many classic and memorable songs. And whether he is on his own record, or someone else, he’s practically invincible!
    No Doubt Eminem has created as many opportunities as Jay-Z, they are both change-the-game people, but if anything Eminem is up at the level with Jay-Z, and if it means putting him with Pac, Big or Nas, why not?
    Jay-Z has put out 2 or 3 experimental albums, and its said that his next record is an experimental itsself. Eminem experiments in EVERY record he puts out. He ALWAYS brings something unique to the table. And the most experimentally record he put out that happened to be his most despised happened to be Relapse. Yes, the infamous Relapse album that brought accents, murder, whimsey, pill popping, but it is rare finding a song that doesnt have any meaning, Eminem and Jay-Z rap in antics, so if Jay-Z makes “Jockin Jay-Z”, all about the hustlers antics of Jay-Z, Eminem can also put out songs like “Any Man”. And ofcorse not ur average guy is gonna have “the hottest chick in their game, wearing their chain”, but not any guy is gonna be able to “drive a rusty scalpel in the back of ya scalp and pull ya Adams apple out from ya mouth”.
    You’d have to be lucky to live HALF of Jay-z’s music
    You’d have to be insane to live HALF of Eminems music.
    And if you wanna get into the inspirational, powerful music that ANYBODY can connect with, its clear that Eminem actually has more of that on the plate. Eminem and Jay-Z are equal, and the aregument shouldn’t go any further than that.

    Waiting for a response!

  216. Joe says:

    This is Alex Da Kid is poppin up everywhere, he produced Im Coming Home another hot track, looks promising

  217. Jo$h says:

    King, you’s a sucka

  218. the machine says:

    Great sequel. Eminem’s verse is nasty. classic Marshall

  219. DJ HzD Brazil says:

    Shit all that hate makes this post a piece of shit…
    haters are worse than stans!

    “All I hear is, I’m best at this an I’m best at that,
    but I don’t hear my name No man brought up in rap
    and I don’t usually trip or dare get caught up in that
    but when they say one of the best, I’m nowhere thought of as that
    Not even the same league as Jay-Z
    Nas, Pac, Biggie or maybe they’ll name me
    Somewhere down at the bottom right after AZ
    or say “he ripped that Biggie verse or that Jay-Z
    Yo, his verses were crazy on that Renegade beat
    but I ain’t never bought no whole CD of Shady
    And I all I hear is pop tunes come on the rad-i-o
    And they play ’em 20 times in a row daily”
    And that very well may be the same reason they don’t say me
    when they speak on hip-hop legends which has amazed me
    Cause I thought the formula was to hit mainstream
    and make it big-big-big-big-b-baby”
    Eminem – We’re Back

  220. Belize says:

    Em! I’m so proud of you! It was dope!!!!!! RIhanna actually doesn’t sounds as disasterly fake. Em’s voice sounded a tiny bit off, but killed it. Call me crazy but maybe a little better than the original??

  221. Devante says:

    This is another hot collaboration between rap star Eminem and Rihanna on Love The Way You Lie part II. This version is hot too and I love Eminem`s delicious rhymes near the end of the song. Its breathed new life into an already classic rap song and Im sure that once the new Rihanna and Eminem music video is released for this version of the song it will be a smash hit and one of the hottest rap & hip hop music videos in the game.

  222. […] New Music: Rihanna x Eminem “Love The Way You Lie (Pt. 2)” Here’s what we all been waiting for. The follow-up to Em and Ri Ri’s chart topper, which will be featured […] […]

  223. Ya Grl LiciaboO says:

    Vibin to this =D ’bout time, I knew dis song could go farther. Eminem Killed it!!

  224. Drew says:

    Eminem’s part is awesome… Rihanna’s part was not as great… but Eminem made up for it… but do not do a “Love the Way you lie pt. 3”

  225. MANIAC says:

    okay. i just heard the new banks/em song. it was barely decent. no cut that. it was wack. fucking wack. now here’s my rankings on all of the new songs. here it goes.

    romans shitty revenge = 0 (wacki should go away, and never return)
    ltwyl p 2 = 4 (his verse was okay. but nothing special. but his delivery was very off.)
    wima = 3 (banks “its lyrically on another level” my ass)

    So, that’s looks fuckin horrible. you can’t make a good song when you are collaborating with wack artists. if he wants to get back in the lane he must jump on to real artists. like NAS, ANDRE 3000, RAKIM. oh and i’m pretty sure that em will be on no mercy. yea! T.i. is a dumb mofo. but he is way ahead of these shitty artists that ems been collaborating lately. FUCK THIS SHIT!


  226. Haters says:

    @the hurricane Well put, We only differ in that I always will hold Jay Z higher than any rapper alive for his consistency, his influence and the number of albums that reached number one.

    I also think BIG is overrated, people compare a man with two albums to people with more because he died, sometimes we take things to far by thinking death took away what today would be best, once you gone you gone, your influence is past.

    Tupac probably better than BIG in quality and number of albums he put out, yet also his stats are dismal in the sense that he sold more after his death, his albums were not selling when he was still alive, not as much.

    Nas the only time people compare him to Jay Z, they dig up Illmatic then Ether, nothing beyond that, if he started good, and he flopped well he flopped.

    Eminem, his changed the rap culture, took it to white people who wouldnt give a damn about rap, you take the right person, the talent and put them out to the world and you change a lot of things. No doubt Eminem is talented, no doubt when he is gone he will be illuminated next to Jay Z, Nas, BIG, Pac etc, he influenced the game.

    People just need to realise one thing, the depth fo any rapper in the game aint the same as Jay Z’s, the quality etc…Right now people talk about money when they talk Jay Z because he is the richest, not because he doesnt have good music..His latest album was best from release, gave New York a New anthem for the Yankees, gave people blogs to write about occults, gave Beanie Seagal a chance to diss, gave 50 cent an opportunity to be affiliated with Beans, it is one of the reasons Eminem now performs in Stadiums….. The game has changed a lot, but only one from the 90’s era remains a king, Emin is late 90’s and 2000 rapper… We
    thank him for the influence….

    As for the Lil Wayne, Kanye, TI, Jeezy, Soulja boy etc, it will take them years to be where Jay, Em, Nas are and perceived as such…

    gotta say Kanye having the best album for the last Decade puts him higher than them


  227. Digw33d says:

    It’s not an every-day chance to sing along the biggest rap star to date…so everyone who sings and sang before alongside Em they gave it they’re best in those songs (see Lil Wayne and others)…It just sounds different when u know Em has something to do with a song…

  228. King Likes Soulja Bitch says:

    @ king and let me guess your black??
    So your racist to white people?
    C’mon stop. your immature, hating on someone just because he gets more love than you.
    You seem like you know a lot of eminem, you must be a fan trying to get people to talk to you,
    Do you cosider me a racist if i call your mother a fat ass cunt?

  229. NotoriousRambo says:


  230. STAN says:

    I’M a stan 4 all the haters soooo bite me
    can’t u stop hatin he is a great rapper and one of the best period let him do what he is doing
    and stop runin ur mouths bitches u r just envys he is the best i mean i like the dude but the most important thing is defintly his music in first place
    so all the hates come suck my balls bitches…………..

  231. Andy says:

    ja der Sound brachte den Drachen Zayar zum weinen…ich scheiß drauf was andere denken…:-) sehr schöner Song!!

  232. november sucks says:

    This is what eminem has done his whole career and will continue to do as long as he raps. Look at this post. It’s full of hatred controversy racism etc.what eminem does is bring out the true nature of people and that’s why he will always be relevant in some way. Yall still hovering that black white shit after TEN years! That shit keeps him going

  233. mr. october says:

    Eminem is a POP star….but he doesn’t make POP music….jay z kanye Wayne and T.I. are all POP stars actually. They are more popular than most pop stars

  234. Bangers N Mash says:


    Banks = 2nd Best Alive

  235. RECOVERY says:

    Em fuckin nailed that verse

  236. jbingin says:

    together we move mountains…lets not make mountains out of molehills…

  237. […] Previously: Nicki Minaj feat. Eminem – Roman’s Revenge | Rihanna feat. Eminem – Love The Way You Lie Part. 2 […]

  238. Arrogant says:

    Rhianna Holla at ya Boi.. Sexy.. Follow me @therealarrogant

    Hot New West Coast!!! Im Back ft Rhianna (Kissing Britney Song) via @HotNewHipHop RT!

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